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Graduate Application(s?) In

For various reasons not entirely important to this blog entry, I've decided that I want to pursue a masters degree. This afternoon I sent in the application to my first choice program, and while I'm nervous about it (as anyone is nervous about an application) I'm satisfied with it. Hopefully I appropriately conveyed my eagerness for the program because it sounds like the kind of thing that's tailor made for my interests. And here is where I thank my oldest sister who spent her one afternoon visi



Oh, January...

... you were not missed.   Can it just be September again, already?   I have a lot of thoughts on 2014 and 2015 which I will not write now because it's midnight and it's two hours past my preferred bed time. Maybe later this week I'll write some more in depth thoughts, but, in brief, I'll just say that hopefully next this year is just a little bit better than this the last one.



What I'm Thankful For

Today is not Thanksgiving. Sunday wasn't Thanksgiving, either, but that's when my family decided to celebrate it. Which means that this entry has the awkward distinction of being both too late and too early, but I digress. We celebrated it then because my father and I will be out of the country during a ten day period and won't be returning until a few days after. But we love our Thanksgiving and skipping it was not an option. So, as per custom, here's a list of the things I am thankful for:   M



Toy Story 4 (2017)

Source- Disney Blogs  Well, there it is. After a few years of speculation, rumors, and short films, we have confirmation that Toy Story 4 is going to be a real thing. This early it’s hard to imagine what to make of this. On one hand, the Toy Story Trilogy is darn near perfect. It chronicles the life of a child as seen through the eyes of his toys as he grows up, matures, and moves on. It doesn’t really seem like there’s any story left to tell with these characters. Yeah Woody and the gang will h



Films I'm Stoked For: "Song of the Sea"

(I can't link to the trailer and majhost won't let me upload a poster image, so go here to see the poster instead [google images link].)   Back in early 2010 when the Academy Award nominations were announced, there was one nomination in the “Best Animated Feature” category that threw some people for a loop: The Secret of Kells. A common reaction I saw to that was: “The Secret of What?” With it only screening at various festivals, and no more than 37 theaters in America (Boxofficemojo), it’s not



First Day of Autumn

Now, obviously autumn isn't one of those things where you snap your fingers and it just is. Like every other seasonal change it's a process that lasts over a short time. And then there's the fact that Mother Nature herself doesn't really like to make these changes happen consistently during one certain period of time each year. But, nevertheless, someone in charge of calendars decided that today would mark the first day of autumn, probably because it's an equinox or something like that.   Autumn



Adventures in Cooking (And Baking)

So the Unofficial Family Reunion week came and went, all to soon in my opinion. Both sisters are back at school, and while I'll be seeing them both infrequently, I should be able to talk to my first sister more often, which is nice.   Sister Appreciation Day Gift 1: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies were a mild success. I may not be the best chef in the house, but I can follow a simple cookie recipe. And they came out pretty good: they were moist, and soft (the way cookies should be- none of



I Love My Sisters

This week, for the first time in a long time, my sister is moving back to the US. It's been hard for me to have her out of the country. Her time zone is pretty much the polar opposite of ours, and her work schedule (and to a lesser extent my work schedule) meant there was never much time for casual chatter- maybe an hour a week. It was frustrating because I enjoyed talking to her about whatever cool things she was doing on the other side of the world. Lately, though, talking to her has been diff



So I have a blog now... again

A lot of years ago I thought it might be worth my while to buy a premier membership just to see how I liked it. I wanted to give myself an opportunity to actually test out all the perks, but I didn't want a Lifetime because I wasn't sure if I would like it that much. So I bought a one-year. And, what do you know, the things premier members could do were really cool. And after it ended I spent a lot of time thinking how I should just break in and buy a lifetime, because why not? The perks are coo



Yosemite Trip

It's time for V1P2 to use his annual blog privileges for the week!   I spent the past week in Yosemite acting as a volunteer leader for a program that takes underprivileged youth into national parks to teach them about the environment, conservation, ecology, and the like. I have to say, the experience was pretty overwhelming for a variety of reasons.   First off, while I have taught middle aged students before, they have always been Boy Scouts. And even if the age group of these kids were the sa



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