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Star Trek Movies

I recently saw two Star Trek movies. Here's what I thought of them. Don't worry, I won't spoil.   First Contact: It was great. It was about the Borg and Time Travel; two of my favorites. I think I still like Yesterday's Enterprise better for Time Travel. The plot was good. Their were a few plot inconsistencies, but nothing major. Too much language, but that's me. Oh, and Data had one of the main roles.   The Motion Picture: The plot was decent enough, but it was sooo sloooooow. It would hav



'07 Sets

I just bought a bunch of Toa and Titans recently and I'm going to review them. Not big reviews that would go in the topic. Little reviews.   Maxilos & Spinax: Read my raving over here.   Hydraxon: Good set. Weapons Master is not an exaggeration. He has a Silver Pridak Sword, two of the longer Mahri Nui Matoran swords, two Mahri Nui Matoran swords, two exploding boomerangs (AKA Matoro's weapons) and a Cordak Blaster. Also, he has fingers that are (almost) proportionate! I think the thing th




I've been getting a lot of SPAM in my topics lately. Things like "I like it." or "Those are cool." This is making me unhappy, as topics can be closed because of this and really just clutters the topic. Below is a recent post (also the reason of this entry) that explains the problem and how to fix it.     It is not exclusive to MoCs, but any creation or work of art. This is nothing the Mods or Admins haven't said, but a reminder of what they have said. As much as like posts, I'd rather have my



Tohu Moc Up!

Yep! My entry pics are up. Here is the entry topic. I think you know where the contest topic is. I encourage you to vote, even if it's not for me (but vote for me, anyway).   What do you mean you won't vote for me? Fine, I am forced to do this:   Look into the spinning gears of Tohu. You will vote for meee...   Varnka



Varnka's Vacation

Yesterday I went to NJ beach for a day. I mostly sat in a chair and made a hole with my feet for three hours. The other hour was spent in the water and setting up tents and things.   Three hours of relaxing and doing nothing.   I paid for it, though. I was excited that I changed color...until I got home. My legs and arms are burnt and my shoulders are sore from carrying things. Ouch.   Varnka



Stuff I Want You To Look At

Okay, this entry is a list of topics that I want you to look at.   The Heavens' Deceit- My epic.   Dreaming of Reality- My short story. I'm desperate for replies, please go reply.   Rorzakh's Mask Scans- Another one of my topics. This one in Software, go check it out. Kinda hard to explain here.   Novu's Bookshelf- My friend's library   The Library of Krahiki- My friend's library   Well, that's all for now. Go look at them.   Varnka



Tohu Moc

I finished my Tohu MoC two days ago. I'm very pleased with how he turned out. Now I need a pic and I'm ready to enter. That fact that I don't own a digital camera might cause a problem...   Varnka




Warning: Long Winded Philosophy-Thing Ahead  I've been thinking about time for no good reason and noticed this;   We will never live in the future.   You may be thinking "But even as we sit here, we enter the future." True, but as soon as we enter the future it becomes the present. We can live in the last minute's future, but it's still the present. The last minute was the past, so its the past's future. Our present.   My thinking may be hopelessly warped and I'm way off, but that's my thoug




A couple days ago I started school. I only have four subjects, it'll really start in September. Still, ugh.   Varnka   And no, I don't care that nobody reads my Blog.



Premier Membership!

With 317 posts at the time of this Blog Entry, I thought it was only fair to pay for some of the Bandwidth I'm using. So now I'm Premier.   I'm happy.   Varnka



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