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My internet suddenly became a lot faster. Mwahahahahaa...   Although it's probably going to crash again in about five minutes. :annoyed2:

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

I've Been Too Lazy To Log On...

Actually, I've been back since the thirteenth, but I haven't bothered to go on BZP, thanks to my new PSP. And I probably won't be active for a while, either, since my internet is acting weird again (and because of the PSP ). Just wanted to say that.   No jian, EW. Although I did get a puzzle dao, the kind where a whole bunch of rings are attached and you have to get them off. No noodles for Zeddy, either. You can have $20 to get yourself some spaghetti, or something.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

In China

Well, I'm in China now. I'm too lazy to go over my trip, so I'll just say that I'm back (sort of ). Anyway, if anyone wants to know, I managed to access BZP by using Google Canada. It doesn't seem to work any other way. Oh, I'm at my grandparents's house, by the way.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


How did I suddenly become Premier?   Well, it turns out that the admins don't hate me (that much) after all. Take that, EW!

Hau Similarities

Trust me, there's more than there seems. By, erm... about two or three similarities. But oh well.   Anyway, to start with, the biggest one: The gaping mouth. The outline isn't that clear, but the mouth is there. It sure looks different, but it's there. The next biggest one: The general shape. Both Hau Nuva have a kind of triangular shape. The Adapted one is narrower, but the similarity can still be seen.   I can see three more, but they're kinda small. The serrations, of course. Also, the ri

You're A Mouse!

I watched Prince Caspian today. My, is it different from the book. Still, I don't mind the differences. They make it slightly more exciting and also fit smoothly in with the book. Overall, a great movie. I love how they portray things, especially the Telmarine Uniform.   Oh, and I got Pohatu and Chirox today (sadly enough, my first Phantoka ). They're both awesome, although neither are what I expected them to be. That goes to show that you can't be sure of a set unless you have it in your hand


Well, I just got 100 deaths. Now to start counting how many times I kill someone else.   Oh, and don't you just hate it when Bohrok Kal jump out of nowhere? I completely didn't see Pahrak-Kal coming...

The Anti Adventurer Club

Some people have requested me to make a Takua the Wanderer Club. So in lieu of that, I'm making the Anti-Adventurer Club, which is basically the same thing. Everyone who joins gets a cookie, their name in a list, and a chance to annoy Adventurer.

I Did It!

I'm trying to make a 3D Desert Eagle on Powerpoint (starting out simple is an unknown concept to me). It's not going so well. Powerpoint is so ill suited to that, it's not even funny.   *But is still laughing*   HahahaHAA! Now I just need to color it and add a trigger.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Sooo... Tired...

I can barely even move today. I'm even getting short breath. Apparently, I need some more sleep. One of these days, Vorahk, I'll get you for this. I'm going to smear you all over the ground.   On a related matter, MC8 was really well written. It'd have a great air of mystery if we didn't know about the Order already.   And I think I'll enter the S&T contest. I already have an idea for my weapon (funnily enough, I've had it for ages ).

Which Ones?

New Mask. Looks a bit more like a Krana to me, but oh well.   Anyway, here's the folder. I'll add the Masks without glowing eyes later. So... which ones should I enter?


No, it's not 60% of BZPers that hate the Mistika. Recent polls (by that nutter, EW) show that the true number is closer to 20%. Even if it is 60%, then there's still probably be some who are in the middle.   Copy and paste this into your sig.

Epic Swordfight

I got into a duel with someone today (don't remember how it started; must be some dumb minor thing). Unfortunetly, just as I was about to utterly crush my opponent, the substitute teacher came over and told us to break it up. Oh, and if you're wondering why I didn't cut the substitute to pieces, it's because the weapons used were two rulers and a yardstick. :annoyed2:   Anyway, I got 8:22 on the mile run today. For someone as out of shape as I am, that's actually a pretty good time.
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