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Steampunk At Brickfair Reminder

A reminder to all.   Just in case some haven't heard, Steampunk is making its way back into the Lego conventions. It was a huge hit at Brickfest 06, but since then the theme itself hasn't done much, and I wanted to change that. Brickfair Coordinator Todd Webb has granted me the position as Steampunk Coordinator. I would love to see amazing things from you guys if you are attending Brickfair. Brickfair will be held on August 21-23, with the expo being on the 22 and 23. There will be an award for

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Guess Who Has A Job?

NOT ME!!!!   Yeah seriously, finding work sucks cuz no one is hiring. Not even Wal-mart with their newly enforced "No Re-Hire Policy".   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Final Fantasy Iv Ds

So recently been playing Final Fantasy IV on the DS. I started playing it when it first came out, but I initially screwed up the augments and stopped playing for a bit. Since I haven't been doing much recently in life, decided to pick it back up and replay it and do things right.   And wow, this game makes me so frustrated. I never had so much trouble in the GBA version. Golbez is just ridiculous. The Archfiends are just too powerful. I am actually stuck on the fight when I face all 4 of them (

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Jecht

Jecht is a non-player character (and technically a major antagonist) in Final Fantasy X. He is the father of Tidus; legendary Guardian of High Summoner Braska, as well as being a major blitzball star in his hometown of Zanarkand. Jecht is a tall, muscular, surly man with a tendency to drink heavily. He has a powerful blitzball move called the "Sublimely Magnificent Jecht Shot Mark III," in which he kicks the ball into one opponent, it rebounds twice, hits two opponents, rebounds again and is the

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Balthier

Balthier, real name Ffamran mied Bunansa, is a playable character in Final Fantasy XII. A Sky Pirate, he travels all over Ivalice with his partner Fran, on his airship the Strahl. Balthier comes across as cocky and self-centered at times, but his trust in Fran is complete, and at times assures Vaan of his abilities. While the story is told from Vaan's perspective, Balthier certainly seems to think it is his story, going so far as to repeatedly refer to himself as "the leading man." Balthier

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Terminator Salvation

Finally got around to seeing the movie due to busy schedule.   Movie was fantastic. Arnold was fantastic. The kid who played Kyle Reese actually looks like Kyle Reese.   And unlike the show, which I stopped watching after its first episode, the movie keeps up continuity.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Galuf & Krile

Galuf Halm Baldesion is a playable character in Final Fantasy V. Galuf is originally from the Second World, where he was the King of Bal. He helped to seal the warlock known as Exdeath into the First World as one of the Warriors of Dawn. Krile Mayer Baldesion is a protagonist from Final Fantasy V. She is the princess of Castle of Bal and the granddaughter of the king Galuf Halm Baldesion. Her personality is described as rebellious, upbeat, bubbly, and cheerful. She is notable for being able

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Kiss From A Rose

So last Friday I was up to my usual antics (going out). Met up with a lovely acquaintance by the name of Beverly, who I have know through the place (she was a bartender), but I mostly see her hanging around when she isn't on the clock. I find this woman to be extremely attractive, so obviously I am going to strike up conversation with her. I can honestly, she was so beautiful, that I was nervous to even talk to her. I have never been like this around a girl since high school, and I am usually pr

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Sephiroth

Sephiroth is the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VII, and one of the major villains of its extended universe. A prototype SOLDIER and the strongest alive, Sephiroth is initially revered for his strength and hailed as a hero, until he learns and misinterprets his origins. Believing himself as the last of the Ancients, Sephiroth enacts a vendetta against mankind, with the ultimate goal of becoming a god and controlling the planet. Sephiroth's goals later include defeating Cloud Strife, who has co

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Special Final Fantasy Lego?

So couple months ago as I was in the process of moving out, I stumbled upon the small jewelry boxes from when I was my FF collecting binge a couple years ago, and I was thinking to myself "Hey these would be neat for my Lego FF Project"     I only have one from FFVIII and 2 from Advent Children (which are for Cloud and Sephiroth minifigs respectively). I know they make some from FFX and I believe FFXII, so I can get some more for Tidus and Yuna.   I figure this way, if I ever do plan on sell

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Preferential Treatment

The other night, the owner of a club that I frequent a few times a week bought me a drink. He did it because I am a great customer.   Last night when I was at the door, he just waved me in. I was not carded. I didn't pay. I wasn't even stamped. Out of respect I bought him his signature drink.   So why am I telling you this? Well if you ever want to make good connections in this kind of area, you need to be a great customer. Whether it be a restaurant, a bar, a lounge, club, whatever, always t

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Movie Adaptions And Stupid Fans

A rant towards fans and their little gripes on movie adaptions of comics, books, and video games.   Seriously people. When a comic or a video game becomes a movie, you should have full knowledge that it won't be an exact detail for detail copy. You guys mince every small detail and just go overboard. Seriously, shut up. It is a movie. Does it really matter that Silver Fox is the sister to Emma Frost? Does it really matter that Krillin was not in Dragonball? Does it matter that Deadpool had his

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

I Fought And Won

AT&T thinks I would owe them 876 dollars!!! But I called them up several times, fought my stand, and knocked it down to 76.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

10 More To Go

When I last updated on my FF Lego Stats, I was at a total of 80. Well now I am at a total of 90, so I want the next 10 to be really awesome.   Such as Basch (FFXII) and Auron (FFX) and the Turks (FFVII).   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Guilty Pleasures

We all have them. No doubt about it.   Mine usually involve stupid humor that always get a lol from me.   Not sure how many watch the show, but I happen to watch iCarly sometimes, because I just enjoy Jerry Trainor's character Spencer. The idiocy he brings to the show just makes me laugh. If anyone watches the show, you will know what I mean.   Also there is Spongebob. Love the show for Patrick.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

This Made Me Lawl Hard

This was something you only see on TV and I have never seen it happen in person.   I was at Holyoke Community College using their computers, and as I was going to my car, a girl put her coffee cup on top of her car, and left it there. But that isn't the hilarious part. She drove off with the coffee still on top of her car and I saw it fall over and spill all over the pavement. And she didn't even stop to notice.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Exhausted From Life

So I'm considering seeing a therapist since I am near a mental breakdown. I been so stressed out lately, and I haven't been getting much sleep. I been muttering a bit, but thats probably due to the lack of sleep.   I'm gonna be pretty honest, I never would have thought I'd last this long. I would have just taken the easy way out if I couldn't take it anymore. And right now I can't take any more, but I am still standing. I am really hopeless in life right now. I wish someone could just hold me

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

New Sub-theme For Lego Final Fantasy Project

Airships are difficult to design and are expensive, especially when the kind you are building are as intricate like the ones in Final Fantasy. I have a couple in minifig scale, but honestly, they are really tasking. So if I want to build FF airships but don't have the time nor money or even the correct parts, what should I do? I simply downgrade them in size. To put it simply, I make the minifig scale airships into micro scale.   So I shall be introducing the new subtheme in my Lego FF project:

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

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