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February Moc Of The Month

hey it's felix


February MOC of the Month: Tabaris by SubAqua


The first thing that I noticed about this MOC was its colour scheme. Sure, it uses black as the main colour, but just look at the red and yellow bits! Sure, the grey bits here and there might disrupt the otherwise clean colour-scheme, but it doesn't really detract from the overall look of Tabaris. I also really like the robe, and the way that it's attached (using a Bohrok eye). The HF piece on the body looks very good, especially in conjunction with those Metru-brains behind it. The tyre around the waist, although of different texture to the rest of the MOC, is fine IMO. The legs are my real complaint here. The Metru-brains stick out too far, and look like they were just slapped on at the last minute. The lower legs look kinda blocky, but the yellow shin-guards cover this up nicely. Overall, I'm impressed that Subs managed to pull off this colour scheme so well. Sure, it's not a perfect MOC, but it's so original that I chose it for MOC of the Month.

So yeah, give me your thoughts on what you think of this MOC. I'm sure Subs will appreciate it too :)


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I must say I'm very suprised to se Tabaris in your blog here now...


Just one disclaimer: The yellow you see is actually orange, but I placed the lights too close to the tents XD. Good to know about the legs. THe blockyness was on purpose, to make it seem that there's more armor and weight there, but the metru brains were indeed added as a last minute option. The grey is there because of my lack of enough pieces to make it all black...


I'm very honored to see my selfmoc in your blog Felix.


Greetz, from Rattrap's tail, aka SubAqua CarpeNocte

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Hey Subs, I thought you didn't have a BZP account... o.O

Anyway awesome MOC, I love the arms, I just think it would need a mask.

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