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Werewolves Revisited



The writer in me was thinking about an answer to the age-old question: "If moonlight is a reflection of sunlight, why don't werewolves change in the daytime?"


Here's my explanation for it: They need a certain amount and type of light. Direct sunlight is too much, and anything but a full-moon is too little. They need that perfect blend of darkness and reflective sunlight, which is why it won't work on a really cloudy day or early in the evening either.


-CF :kakama:


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My theory would be that there is some kind of element present on the moon that somehow alters the sunlight reflecting off of it.

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The fact that there is no established explanation as to why is part of the myth and the awesome ^^


But you make a sound case. You could go a level deeper scientifically, maybe the werewolf transformation is triggered by a certain level of Vitamin D3?


Personally the tiny author in me thinks it is cool if a werewolf can transform any time at night.

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I would think that perhaps it's not just about light but also gravity. When there's a full moon, that means the moon is 180 degrees off from the sun. So thus maybe the equilibrium of their gravities pulling against each other is enough to affect the werewolves, and then when sunlight hits them in this state, they transform. And since the sun would be on the opposite side of the planet, the only way they can get to this point is by getting reflected sun from the moon.


Or, y'know, maybe werewolves don't actually exist and trying to apply science to them just won't work. :P



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My theory would be that there is some kind of element present on the moon that somehow alters the sunlight reflecting off of it.



It's magic moon cheese.

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You know what I've always wondered? What happens on a night with a full moon and intermittent clouds?



*TRANSFORM* *untransform* *TRANSFORM* *untransform* *TRANSFORM* *untransform* *TRANSFORM* ...

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