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In Crowd



Sometimes it infuriates me about how people form cliques and such and really do their best to distance others. High school is the prime example. I never seemed to fit in with any particular crowd even though I hung out with them: the popular kids in the AP classes, the drama students in the school play, the slacker students who sat in the corner during lunch. It was always like I was an outside observing, and if I tried to give input it was ignored or refuted.


I didn't really encounter this in college at all, mostly because I didn't join up in groups. But I got it alot in work; I was the younger guy who wanted to do a good job, the other guys were somewhat goof offs that liked bending the rules a lot. (Heh, and funny thing is, the head park ranger said straight away that he'd never hire them again... and pretty much guaranteed me a job for this summer.) And of course you get it online too. And still, after some twenty years of living, I have still not found a way to fit in well with any such clique.


So my blog is not aimed at a circular group of friends. I try not to disclude anybody for what they do or participate in. Rather, I diss on people based on the ways they think. Like people who are disrespectful, hurtful, hypocritical. I'm not saying I'm a prime example; at any given time I'm always degrading myself because I don't do things well besides procrastination and watching TV. (Which reminds me, I need to blog about a couple of news shows I've been watching. :P ) No, I'm not the best person around, and I don't expect you to be the best. But I would like to keep the worst out of my blog, so leave your undesirable characteristics behind or try and change for the better.


No, this is not about that issue that's been going around the forums, which I was pretty much unaware of because I wasn't reading the topics and I've disabled signs. This comes from real life, and I felt like venting it out. I've leave this entry opened for comments for now, but if things go south I won't think twice about closing and deleting posts. Thank you for reading.




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....The popular kids in the AP classes?




Your school was the reverse of everyone else's. Lucky.



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I feel like things don't tend to go well when you try to force yourself to fit in with certain groups. All you have to do is find a niche that you feel comfortable with and you're bound to find friendships with the others in that niche (whether it's band, drama, a specific club, what have you). It's worked well for me. I don't have a huge mountain of friends but I have very close relationships with a few people, which is really all I need. I'm not saying it's impossible to find friendships outside the 'niche', but it's hard to become friends with people who have little to nothing in common with you.


College is definitely different. Depending on where you go, you're forced to live with someone for your first year, and as a result you make friends with them and the friends they meet and they make friends with the people you meet. Unfortunately I have almost nothing in common with anyone I've met so I'm finding friends difficult to make, despite being 2/3 of the way through my Sophomore year.


So, yeah, my situation is opposite of yours. I found high school friends a lot easier to make than college friends.

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popular kids in AP classes? Thats insane :P In my high school the "popular" kids are the slackers. And the overly smart people are in the corners :P The normal kids and the smart kids who dont act nerdy are in between. But there isnt a definate seperation here, jocks and drama kids, stuff like that is normal. Its a lot less political then middle school IMO. Mainly cause we have like a zillion kids. That lets you have friends in these seperate cliques. But I'm not sure if your talking about senior year or the overall years of highschool.


Lord Oblivion

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Well, I'm sorry you don't really fit in now or in high school. After a few days in HS people start to chat in class, then recognize each other in the cafeteria and then friendships form. Or people join groups. Or people know people and stuff happens.

In college it's easier, IMO, because there is your roommate, hall-mates, and folks you meet in groups and clubs. I guess that's a little hard on you since you switched colleges this school year, but that's how I see it. Join a club and then see if those people you meet wouldn't mind another buddy at lunch.


As for work, there were only two people at the theater I wouldn't mind hanging out with. Everyone else I probably wouldn't even attend their funeral. I got lucky. Hopefully you'll find some kindred-spirits at your park job--if people there enjoy being outside doing the stuff you do, there is some commonality there.


Cliques can be annoying when it seems like everyone already gets along, but at the same time they allow like-minded people to be comfortable around each other. That's especially important in a new environment.



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