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A Triumphant Return?



and finally my premier membership kicks back in. :)


so, what's new with you guys? it's been ages since ive really done anything noteworthy here on bzp, but i guess that you could say that i am here to change that...






guys, i am so happy with how this turned out you dont even know. the next project i have on my list is the c.i.r.c.l.e. timeline which should be quite fun to do!!


i am really hoping for a c.i.r.c.l.e. revival because i am watching as the members, myself included, have begun to loose interest and die out. but seriously, i hope that if we begin to build a team together, we might be able to pull though and make the c.i.r.c.l.e. an amazing group.



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It's really great to see the fingers on Mata Nui--shows why the Islands only go down so far. :P Also, I agree that the C.I.R.C.L.E. really needs to be revived.


~ BioGaia

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It's really great to see the fingers on Mata Nui--shows why the Islands only go down so far. :P Also, I agree that the C.I.R.C.L.E. really needs to be revived.


~ BioGaia

Yes... unfortunately there does seem to be a decline in interest amongst some members. Lets hope we can get back up to speed.

Also great work on the MU Map. It is truly spectacular.



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Umm, you actually used my piece of art as Mata Nui's body. I designed that image of the robot and you just added the domes, colors, and a new background and you are calling this your work of art. I have a problem with that, especially when no credit or note is made that you didn't create the majority of this piece.

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