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Official Pokemon Topic.

Element Lord of Milk


I'm starting to really think that there needs to be two topics, I'm not too interested in the Metagame(EVs and IVs and tournaments and movesets and all that)but 95% of the time the Topic is filled with Metagame talk, but I want to talk about non-metagame stuff, so yeah. It would be nice.





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But what is pokemon without the metagame?



Haven't been posting there in forever. Kinda been losing interest in the series, largely thanks to how annoying metagame is, and how only battles are almost impossible without it. :|

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But what is pokemon without the metagame?


FUN?! Pokemon isn't supposed to be fun! It's supposed to be dull, monotonous, and concerned with numbers. If you wanna be the very best like no one ever was, you'd better have a grahping calculator and the base speed of most Pokemon known by heart.

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What I mean is that you can wrangle only so much out of "I like Squirtle more than Charmander because I like blue better" before it gets a bit old.


And what else is there to discuss, the intricate story telling?

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A Nice Hat: As of Gen 5... yes. =P


Spirit: Nice. xD On that note; I think I do need to start memorizing Base Speeds, if I'm gonna get anywhere on Random Matchup. >_>;

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It's still not that fabulous. Pokemon has primarily been a competitive game, like Call of Duty. It's not like Mass Effect or something.

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Well obviously it's not gonna be on the scale of Mass Effect, from what I've heard, that's like a playable movie more than a game, in terms of story. :rolleyes:

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Also because of the sequels being all connected to each other, along with the extensive codex. It's fun for people to discuss potential sequels based on throwaway lines about some planet you just scanned. I mean, most games can be distilled by one aspect. Call of Duty has noobtoobs and online multiplayer, Fallout has OH MY GOD I JUST STAKED A MUTANT TO DEATH and so on. Pokemon's niche is the meta.

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