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I'm Commander Shepard...



And this is my favourite Windows emulator on the Citadel.


Finally got it working. Still trying to figure out how to import my ME1 save, but I'm not going to touch anything until I know what I'm doing, just looking for now, don't want to mess it up again. Playing Generic Shep, and it's not too bad so far, though that's probably helped by the fact I haven't met Councilor Udina that Generic McAwfulchoices Shepard appointed for some reason, or met Wrex's replacement yet. That and I was able to make a decent-looking FemShep, so I won't have to deal with Ashley.


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It probably also helps that the point I just reached included re-recruiting Garrus, the awesomest spacebro to ever shoot a sniper rifle with you.


The graphics are messed-up, a lot more than the photo shows, but it's workable. It's mainly backgrounds being a little fuzzy, and faces looking less like faces, more like masks, at least on humans. That, and all humans have completely black eyes. The shading's also a little weird, but next to the faces and backgrounds, it doesn't stick out. I tried setting it higher too, but that killed it and made me reinstall. But hey, graphics issues don't ruin the game - the plot and gameplay are still there, and with Bioware, that's what really matters, especially the former. If I could figure out how to import a Shepard who didn't make bad decisions in ME1, I'd be completely happy so far. But take what you can get, beggars can't be choosers, and neither can people using emulators to run modern software on improper hardware and operating systems.


My only concern is having to go through all this again when ME3 comes out. I pray I can at least figure out how to import my save on that one - Apparently more people can die this time, depending on what you do, and I don't want to risk Generic McAwfulchoices killing the crew members I like in another ill-advised playthrough, for ME2 this time instead of ME1.


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You actually get to choose who was appointed to Council in each game, even if you imported, because for some reason the game can't remember who you suggested for the council slot. When Miranda asks you who you suggested for the council seat you get to choose again.


I disliked Ashley and Kaidan both at first, but Ashley kind of grew on me after I kept talking to her. And thankfully, both she and Kaidan got major visual upgrades in ME3 so neither are completely hideous.

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Ashley's alright once you talk that anti-alien attitude out of her.

As for importing the ME1 save...it's usually a piece of cake on Win...just open the config program from the autorun menu and go to the import save-games...but then again you've struggled with this so much you'd probably go into bloodrage if it turned out to be that simple now ^^

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You actually get to choose who was appointed to Council in each game, even if you imported, because for some reason the game can't remember who you suggested for the council slot. When Miranda asks you who you suggested for the council seat you get to choose again.


I disliked Ashley and Kaidan both at first, but Ashley kind of grew on me after I kept talking to her. And thankfully, both she and Kaidan got major visual upgrades in ME3 so neither are completely hideous.


Wait, did I miss this? Because the codex says Udina is GenericShep's choice for councilor, and I never remember Miranda asking about the council - She just asked about my background and who died in the nuke.


I didn't think she was hideous, I just didn't like the xenophobia. Liara didn't exactly have an interesting personality, but I thought she was kind of funny in contrast to Ashley. As for Kaidan, I didn't really like him, but being voiced by Carth and having Elvis hair will make sure I never dislike him.


Ashley's alright once you talk that anti-alien attitude out of her.

As for importing the ME1 save...it's usually a piece of cake on Win...just open the config program from the autorun menu and go to the import save-games...but then again you've struggled with this so much you'd probably go into bloodrage if it turned out to be that simple now ^^


You can do so? Maybe it was because I went with Liara since that stance was all the conversations with her seemed to revolve around until that point, but I never managed to get it out of her. And unfortunately, it's not as simple with the emulator - It doesn't even load the launcher, just goes straight to the game, and like I said, unless I know what I'm doing, I'm not messing with it in case I break it again. ...Or at least until I finish a playthrough or two.

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That's odd. Though I've only played it with imported Shepards on Xbox, so it may be different with generic Shepard or on PC.


Ashley actually gets pretty chill and sensible if you keep talking to her.


Liara just gave me the creeps so I rarely talked to her. It's not that she was an alien, she just did not know how to communicate emotions and it was very awkward.

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That's odd. Though I've only played it with imported Shepards on Xbox, so it may be different with generic Shepard or on PC.


Ashley actually gets pretty chill and sensible if you keep talking to her.


Liara just gave me the creeps so I rarely talked to her. It's not that she was an alien, she just did not know how to communicate emotions and it was very awkward.


That's possible, but I don't think it'd vary from systems since both had ME1?


And it probably helped knowing someone like that in real-life, but a bit more human. :P

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Does it save your Shepards file like on Windows? Because then it would be a simple matter of copypasta. But I guess you've tried all mortal possibilities by now.



The fun with Ashley is, if you try to woo her, she's all like "you should talk to Liara." And vice versa.

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Does it save your Shepards file like on Windows? Because then it would be a simple matter of copypasta. But I guess you've tried all mortal possibilities by now.



The fun with Ashley is, if you try to woo her, she's all like "you should talk to Liara." And vice versa.


Hey, once I finish the first playthrough, so can feasibly play ME3 without issue, I'm willing to try any ideas to get CustomShep in and play through all three with him. :P The emulator I used for ME1 saved like Windows, to my understanding, but when I copied the save file to the ME1 folder in the save folder in ME2 of the new emulator, it doesn't recognize it. I figure it's this emulator since emulators that could get through the opening, but nothing else, imported with this method just fine, but until I beat it, I'm not messing with new emulators, just to be safe.


I did think that was kind of strange, as well. Anyone who played FemShep in ME1, is Kaidan like that too?

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FYI, the games been out for well over 18 months; Garrus' recruitment isn't really a spoiler anymore.


Are you gonna try getting DLC on this? Because theres some good free DLC, one including a new epic-win squadmate (Pretty much Garrus but more violent and british-accented.)


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FYI, the games been out for well over 18 months; Garrus' recruitment isn't really a spoiler anymore.


Are you gonna try getting DLC on this? Because theres some good free DLC, one including a new epic-win squadmate (Pretty much Garrus but more violent and british-accented.)


Eh, I've seen people blow up over smaller, better safe than ranted.


And I plan to try DLC once I get Vintage Shepard, which is now what I'm calling ME1 Shep, in - I'd rather have it on the Mass Effect 2 emulator I can get him on rather than the one with Generic McAwfulchoices only.

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