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My Little Pony

Peach 00


The MLP fad/meme/population is rapidly growing apparently. I've never watched it, and me, being a girl, is probably an amazement to most. To be honest, I've never been really into 'girl' stuff. It's more been outdoor activities, Pink Floyd, Jimmy Stewart, Star Wars, and Call of Duty for me than High School Musical, Barbies, Hannah Montana, and Justin Bieber. There's a much, MUCH higher probability that, if you were to walk into my room, you'd see a Breakfast at Tiffany's poster instead of a Justin Bieber poster on my wall. Now that I've drilled that point into the ground, let me continue. :P


I've never seen the show, so I don't know what it's like. I've heard some pretty good things about the show, but I still didn't take one step towards trying it out. I'm not an easy person to convince. I mean, awhile ago, I kind of thought it was the average girl's show with glitter and pink, but some recent comments have made me think otherwise. Nonetheless, I haven't really considered trying it out. =/


So, I basically made this for some people to give me reasons to watch the show. Not threats, or just a comment that seems like your forcing me into watching it, but just some reasons as to why I might like it or should try it out. =]


(Also, as a side note, it's slightly scaring me that there are probably more guys on here that are fans of MLP. o.O)


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@GS: Works for me. :P


@OmiShad: For no reason is not a good enough reason because that's not really a reason, so if I were to watch it for no reason, there would be no reason to watch. Eh...savy?


Also, oddly enough, there was an ad for a MLP game on the top of my screen. Freaky... 0_0

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Lol to be honest, MLP is just a really funny, granted younger, kids show. Go read my review again if you want. :3


Just watch a couple episodes and see if you like it. ^^ I recommend the episode Dragonshy, (that's what hooked a buddy of mine on it not too long ago) OR you could go see ep 1. Which would make more sense, but it's a little, I dunno, shaky, since it's the first ep. I still liked it. Pinkie Pie was lol.

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Well if you want a reason to watch it, watch it to see what everyone is raving mad about. =P Its what I did, and I found that it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. There's some pretty good humor, at least so far as I've made it, and Its a WHOLE lot better than some of the mediocre JOKES of cartoons on today.

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...Because watching ponies go absolutely insane never goes old? The Harmony will be with you, always.


That sounds like a good reason. =P


Lol to be honest, MLP is just a really funny, granted younger, kids show. Go read my review again if you want. :3 Just watch a couple episodes and see if you like it. ^^ I recommend the episode Dragonshy, (that's what hooked a buddy of mine on it not too long ago) OR you could go see ep 1. Which would make more sense, but it's a little, I dunno, shaky, since it's the first ep. I still liked it. Pinkie Pie was lol.


I probably will, lol. Probably episode one, because otherwise, I'll be totally confused with the characters and whatnot. xD


Well if you want a reason to watch it, watch it to see what everyone is raving mad about. =P Its what I did, and I found that it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. There's some pretty good humor, at least so far as I've made it, and Its a WHOLE lot better than some of the mediocre JOKES of cartoons on today.


That makes sense - sometimes I don't like watching shows because they're just popular, though, because it makes me feel like I'm watching it just to be a portion of the fanbase. *lol* I'll probably say the same thing when I watch it if I enjoy it, to be honest. =P

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My Little Pony is a decent show, IMO. It's not outstanding, and can't hold a candle to many movies that I like. Nevertheless, it is lighthearted, with (Mostly) interesting characters, well made humor, and a decent story.


Another point for it in my book is the fact that aside from a few episodes, MLP is only sappy and preachy during the last four minutes of the show.


Comparing it to something like Veggietales, I find that it is better in many way. Granted, VT's silly songs are unbeatable, but the characters in MLP for the most part are better, the stories are less preachy, and the humor is better made.


Overall, it's a decent show; I see no problem with guy liking it, as it's an amusing and lighthearted change from the standard gory, bloody movies these days.


It is advisable however, to watch even a single episode in order to form an opinion of your own. I don't advise watching the first episodes, as they are a lot lamer than the rest. I myself started out with the fourth episode from season two.

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Well, it's got to be for girls. =P Yeah, it is a change, but still - the audience I suppose is targeted for young girls, so for a fifteen/eighteen year-old guy is kind of scary. It's the complete opposite of their target audience. :P


Eh, I might start from the first episodes, just because I won't get lost with the story, lol.

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The first is decent enough, but the second is lame and rather rushed.


And bionicle has an 8-16 target range, yet there are 20+ year old people into it here. :P

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