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Two Things Of Absolutely Serious Note Definitely For Realz



OMG, you guys, you simply HAVE to check these out, like seriously, holy MUKAU, you MUST, JUSTIN!


One! If you missed yesterday's blog entry, you're missing out on the HOTTEST CRAZE you have ever seen in your ENTIRE LIVES! People are absolutely FLOCKING to be a part of this, and in no way am I lying or I'll abandon it in like a day ABSOLUTELY NOT no way are you crazy! Go check it out and you will most definitely NOT be disappointed if you do because OMG it is actually so amazing for REALZ yes!


And TWO! The Q&A Contest is underway, and there are two polls, and you should vote because the STAKES are so HIGH you don't even know! The PRIZE for the WINNER is a GOOD QUESTION, my bromides! Someone would REALLY love one of those, and the winner will feel so LUCKY to have won this AMAZING CULTURAL ENRICHMENT! Go vote in the polls NOW (#1 and #2)!!! And, if you're feeling SUPER AWESOME LIKE I'M SURE YOU ALWAYS DO, you should particularly go to the second poll (the A poll), and vote #3 in Category 1, because you will find it is a PARTICULARLY GOOD QUESTION to ask about GOOD QUESTIONS! But vote for who you like because you all have INDIVIDUAL AGENCY...MAYBE!!! The excitement levels are off the CHARTS!


I do believe that however EXAGGERATED this seems, this is still LESS ANNOYING than how I used to approach STUPID IDEAS and BZP CONTESTS in the EARLY DAYS! Now to FINISH this entry before I wear down the SHIFT KEY!


Also the Hero Factory episode things still turn out TERRIBLE! Probably a good thing too because I am a 20 YEAR OLD GUY FOR SOMETHING'S SAKE!




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