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E3, Initial Thoughts

Watashi Wa


A few big name companies had pre-E3 press conferences today. I watched Microsoft's presentation and parts of Ubisoft's.


Halo 4 looks genuinely amazing. The new enemies, environments, weapons, gameplay and multiplayer videos I've seen have completely reassured me that 343 knows what they're doing with the franchise. That live-action trailer was pretty intense. The rest of Microsoft's presser was interesting up until they brought out Usher to announce Dance Central 3. His performance simply went on for too long. Other than that, we got glimpses of what Windows 8 and SmartGlass will bring to the table. Xbox Music is just a rebranding of Zune Marketplace. We're getting more Gears of War (good thing), Tomb Raider looked hot; Splinter Cell and, God forbid, Black Ops 2 looks mildly entertaining. Forza Horizon looks like a fun new take on the series. And we're getting some more exclusive arcade titles coming out next year. Anyone who says Microsoft didn't show off any games clearly isn't looking hard enough.


Assassin's Creed 3 sold me at PAX East and now they've released the naval gameplay videos and YESOHMYGOD.


Need for Speed: Most Wanted is basically a new Burnouth (good thing).


Rayman Legends looks great.


Star Wars 1313 caught my attention (mostly with those ridiculous graphics). I'm beginning to wonder if some of these games are being developed for 360 AND the next Xbox so that customers have more options.


Watch_Dogs, a brand new IP from Ubisoft, has piqued my interests. It seems to have an action-thriller edge too it, which is right up my alley.


The Last of Us, as expected, features stunning visuals from the Uncharted creators. The gameplay didn't blow me out of the water, but I'll probably keep an eye on it. Not that I even have a Playstation 3....


Not to mention, the Summer of Arcade titles for XBLA all look pretty excellent. Dust: An Elysian Tale is finally hitting the market after 3 years. Deadlight looks interesting. Wrecketeer could be fun to play with my nephew.


Nearly every comment I read about Microsoft's press conference is all "omg kinect everywhere!" What's interesting is how little Microsoft actually talked about Kinect other than the small enhancements from a few games and apps. You can whisper to hostiles in Splinter Cell. You can call plays in Madden. You can voice control the new NBA and NFL apps. Big deal? These integrations are unobtrusive. Everyone's got their undies up in a bunch because Microsoft hasn't announced any new AAA IPs. That will come next year, when we get to see the new Xbox.


It's going to be great come tomorrow when all the people that were accusing Microsoft of "more of the same games" get super stoked for a new Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Starfox. But hey, at least they'll be in HD now! :biggrin:


Now I'm just super excited for PAX East again...


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The problem is really, I think, that they merely skimmed over half the games. I didn't get to catch the stream, so I could be wrong on some of this, but when half your conference is talking about some Nike product that doesn't even seem like a game, or is IE integration(It didn't have it already? Really?), or even stuff like Xbox Music(Intriguing, yes), or those, what, 35 entertainment channels, gamers start to get bored... Meanwhile, Sony actually kept games, or things similar to games, going for the better part of their conference, which is what's going on with everyone saying Sony did better than Microsoft... MS might've had more games in the long run, but Sony didn't just spend a minute or two, shrug their shoulders, and talk about the new and exciting IE integration. =P I missed half their stream, though, so for all I know, they did that at the beginning of the show. -_-


Meanwhile, Nintendo can't have any of these problems; the only thing they could have, is stuff directly OS related, like announcing a certain app for the 3DS, or such... But since Nintendo's not branched out into every other entertainment industry in the world, unlike some others, they can actually focus on game after game.


I expect to see the Zelda, the Metroid, the Mario, yes; but alongside new stuff, like Pikmin 3(Confirmed last year, but I don't recall see any info), SSB(Even a secondary confirmation, and maybe a name), and even new IPs. I personally don't mind sequels, so long as they're not obvious cash grabs. Does Halo 4 sound interesting? Sure. But I don't have an Xbox, and Halo's never exactly been my forte, so I'm not exactly rushing out to get one; though I do respect there are fans of the games I'm interested in from Microsoft. Splinter Cell, Forza, Tomb Raider, and whatever else I'm forgetting is awesome sounding... One of the other problems, however, that people have, is that of the games shown, half or so were multi-platform. The rest were new or exclusive, though.

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I think fhe issue with Kinect isn't that it was overused: quite the opposite, actually. Most of the games shown that supported Kinect could do the same thing with just a microphone.

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I didn't think Microsoft's presentation was THAT bad. Sure, Usher was awful and whatnot, but other than that, I don't think there was anything horrible out of it. People are just jumping on the fact that it wasn't as good as the other ones and are trying to tear it apart for that fact.


And 343 has officially gotten me excited for Halo 4.


In my opinion, other than that annoying woman host, I thought Ubisoft had the best presentation. Was not expecting the nudity though. The navy battles look insane for assassin's creed. I also love how climbing on trees seems to work so well without making the trees look like they're pre-placed. Watch dogs looks really interesting too.



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The problem is really, I think, that they merely skimmed over half the games. I didn't get to catch the stream, so I could be wrong on some of this, but when half your conference is talking about some Nike product that doesn't even seem like a game, or is IE integration(It didn't have it already? Really?), or even stuff like Xbox Music(Intriguing, yes), or those, what, 35 entertainment channels, gamers start to get bored... Meanwhile, Sony actually kept games, or things similar to games, going for the better part of their conference, which is what's going on with everyone saying Sony did better than Microsoft... MS might've had more games in the long run, but Sony didn't just spend a minute or two, shrug their shoulders, and talk about the new and exciting IE integration. =P I missed half their stream, though, so for all I know, they did that at the beginning of the show. -_-


Meanwhile, Nintendo can't have any of these problems; the only thing they could have, is stuff directly OS related, like announcing a certain app for the 3DS, or such... But since Nintendo's not branched out into every other entertainment industry in the world, unlike some others, they can actually focus on game after game.


I expect to see the Zelda, the Metroid, the Mario, yes; but alongside new stuff, like Pikmin 3(Confirmed last year, but I don't recall see any info), SSB(Even a secondary confirmation, and maybe a name), and even new IPs. I personally don't mind sequels, so long as they're not obvious cash grabs. Does Halo 4 sound interesting? Sure. But I don't have an Xbox, and Halo's never exactly been my forte, so I'm not exactly rushing out to get one; though I do respect there are fans of the games I'm interested in from Microsoft. Splinter Cell, Forza, Tomb Raider, and whatever else I'm forgetting is awesome sounding... One of the other problems, however, that people have, is that of the games shown, half or so were multi-platform. The rest were new or exclusive, though.


Sure, Microsoft didn't demo many of their exclusive games. What does that even matter? Are people so short sighted that if they don't get a live demo, an announcement trailer can't hold their attention? Microsoft had Halo 4, Forza, Gears, Wrecketeer, Ascend, LocoCycle and Matter. Of those, Microsoft focused on the biggest and best: Halo 4. We have a whole week of E3 to demo the other games that are far along the production cycle. Splinter Cell and Tomb Raider were demoed, but aren't exclusive (but are getting exclusive DLC, I believe). Nike Fitness and Dance Central 3 were demoed. Microsoft had plenty of games.


There's a disconnect between what gamers want out of the Xbox and what they're using the Xbox to do. Not to long ago, Microsoft revealed that a larger proportion of people who own Xboxs are streaming video content. So what did Microsoft do? Gave people 24/7 ESPN streaming, NBA and NHL apps, Nickelodeon apps, more Paramount Pictures apps. None of these things are bad. Giving consumers more access to video content? Dear God Microsoft, how could you! You didn't demo enough new games! Any new AAA IPs we see as exclusives are going to be held for Microsoft's next console.


And just to make this clear, I'm not airing my frustrations at you. This is more of a response to comments I've seen on many other places on the Internet. :)


I think fhe issue with Kinect isn't that it was overused: quite the opposite, actually. Most of the games shown that supported Kinect could do the same thing with just a microphone.


You've definitely got a point on that. The Kinect features in Splinter Cell were unique enough. I didn't even use any voice commands in Mass Effect 3 even though I own a Kinect. Voice commands simply seem to be the best way of enhancing core games with the power of Kinect. Anything else would be superfluous and clunky.



<span style='font-family: Century Gothic'><span style='color: #800000'>I didn't think Microsoft's presentation was THAT bad. Sure, Usher was awful and whatnot, but other than that, I don't think there was anything horrible out of it. People are just jumping on the fact that it wasn't as good as the other ones and are trying to tear it apart for that fact.</span>


<span style='color: #800000'>And 343 has officially gotten me excited for Halo 4.</span>


<span style='color: #800000'>In my opinion, other than that annoying woman host, I thought Ubisoft had the best presentation. Was not expecting the nudity though. The navy battles look insane for assassin's creed. I also love how climbing on trees seems to work so well without making the trees look like they're pre-placed. Watch dogs looks really interesting too.</span>


<span style='color: #800000'>~U_K~</span></span>


This year's presentation was leaps and bounds better than previous years. We didn't have Disneyland or Kinectimals demos. 5 minutes of Usher was hardly worth all of the uprising it's garnered. Xbox has mass market appeal now and apparently people are really...ticked about it.

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