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Ipod Classic



People who know me know that I'm not the biggest fan of Apple. Despite that, I've received 2 Apple products over the years (iPod Classic 80GB and Touch 32GB), and I've used them, because turning down gifts is never a nice thing. But it's fair to say I've sure used them, and become quite attached to them. I don't believe that they're better than other products in the same market (and maybe they're not), but I've never felt the need to replace them because they both still work and do what I want to them to do.


What annoys me about recent Apple strategy (in fact, the general strategy of the multimedia market today) is the push of the smart phones and other portable devises that do everything. And by do everything, I mean do everything that I'm not particularly interested in and don't have as much space. A phone for me still is for texting and calling only, I recently acquired my dad's old phone, which is some Nokia that's around 9 years old. None of the other paraphernalia really appeals to me, particularly as my compy does most of that just fine and I don't need to have all this stuff with me all the time.


What I do want is an mp3 player, and that's it. And the iPod Classic does that. And you don't hear anymore innovations on that front, the only ones worth talking about in this case would be increasing the size further, to like 240GB or something. But there simply isn't as big a need for it, you've got to go for the flashy all in one stuff. *sigh* We'll be living our lives in the palm of our hands very soon and that makes me sad.


I just like the idea of everything have it's own particular uses, so there is a need to move around in physical space and such, rather being totally absorbed with screens. At the same time though I would like the expansion of virtual space for things like digital movie, music, photo and other libraries, while also keeping these virtual storage spaces in physical objects in your possession, rather than the Cloud and stuff like that.


...the problem with me these days is I ramble and I end up supporting both sides of the argument at the same time, sort of?

The point of this entry was meant to be "oh cool, they do actually still sell iPod classics, that'll be good if my 80GB ever runs out of space I can get a 160GB one, h'ray!" And somehow it turned into all that. ^^^ Bleh.



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I think I fall into the same catagory as you. I like my stuff to be single purpose most of the time. My phone should be a phone and only a phone. I'm kind of meh on the whole concept of owning a smart phone.


I have an iPod touch that I use for music, and I also use it for e-mail and web, but that's only because my laptop is too big to cart around.



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