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Linkin Park



Yep, I thought now that we can blog we should make it worth it. :P


Anyway, we've got both Hybrid Theory and Living Things by Linkin Park today. We already had Meteora before and plan to get the remaining two soon.

In concrast, I think I like Living Things more than Hybrid Theory, but maybe it's just because it suits my mood better. I've just listened to My December from HT and it's surprisingly good, though. But seriously, LT is fantastic. I think my favourite ones are Lost in the Echo, I'll Be Gone, Castle of Glass and the AWESOMENESS of Victimized. That song rocks so hard. :P


Seriously, every single song of the five studio albums is fantastic. Yes, even A Thousand Suns. Even though we haven't got it yet, I love it. Seriously, Wretches and Kings is one of the best and most powerful songs I've ever heard, although I love even songs like The Requiem.


Anyone agree? :)


I wonder when my brother is finally going to make a blog entry. :P


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I'm okay with Linkin Park, but I will admit, A Thousand Suns absolutely bored me to tears. I've heard good enough reviews about Living Things, so I'll probably have to give it a shot, but I'm not expecting them to raise the bar significantly.


I hate to be the guy that goes "their new stuff sucks!" but really, it's a markedly different style, and I don't like it as much. They got waaaay too radio-friendly, and lost the edge they had.

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<strong class='bbc'>I'm okay with Linkin Park, but I will admit, <em class='bbc'>A Thousand Suns</em> absolutely bored me to tears. I've heard good enough reviews about Living Things, so I'll probably have to give it a shot, but I'm not expecting them to raise the bar significantly.


I hate to be the guy that goes "their new stuff sucks!" but really, it's a markedly different style, and I don't like it as much. They got waaaay too radio-friendly, and lost the edge they had.</strong>

How often have you listened to it? I doubt you are going to find any songs like The Radiance, The Requiem, Jornada del Muerto (and pretty much every song from that album :P) on the radio. Minutes to Midnight is different and more like what you said, which is why it's my least favourite album, although I still like it.


Seriously, few songs ever blew me away as much as Wretches and Kings did upon first hearing. And the more I listened to the entire album, the more I loved it, both the individual tracks and the album as a whole.


Living Things is unlike I ever heard before. The first time I heard it I thought the previous album it resembled the most was ATS, but only because of the electronic sound. LT has an entirely different feel. It also has some pretty original songs. Skin to Bone and Until it Breaks are unique and may not fit everyone's tastes (especially at first sight), but they are good if you appreciate them enough, although they are still not my favourite.


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My only real issue with the newer albums is that it seems Mike Shinoda's rapping has dipped quite a bit in quality. While it doesn't hurt A Thousand Suns or Living Things as far as quality at all for me, when listening to "Until It Breaks" or "When They Come for Me," he seems so... uninspired, not just in lyrical content, but in performance. Like, he's emulating what he's supposed to feel instead of actually feeling it. In contrast, many of the pre-Hybrid Theory songs such as "Blue" and "Slip," and even the demos for the final Hybrid Theory songs, he sounds so much more into what he's saying (plus, at least in cases like "In the End" and "A Place for My Head," the demo lyrics are far superior when it comes to Mike's parts. You can also hear their bassist so much more in the demos, which is really nice.). Might just be me, though, I suppose.


Edit: Don't get me wrong, though, A Thousand Suns and Living Things are what I consider to be their best work, but it's just that one aspect that I've kinda noticed.

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Mike Shinoda needs more time in the spotlight, I think. His solo project, Fort Minor, was awesome, so he definitely possesses talent; he just needs to properly utilize it.

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Well, he was sort of their frontman in the late 90s. Mark Wakefield, and then later Chester, just seemed to be some singer that's with the group, but not their main feature, and he definitely featured more before Hybrid Theory was released. I think he just needs to find more of a balance between his rapping and singing, which I also really, really enjoy, and definitely step up the quality of the former, but again, that's just me.

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Chester is fantastic. He can do second-to-none screams or sing, all with the same voice. :P


I was under the impression Mike is getting much more spotlight than in previous albums. Actually, I think he appears more often than Chester now.


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