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*blows the dust off this blog*



Woooow, it's been a while. Like. More than a year.


Good lord, I feel old.


Hey, BZP. Missed you bunches, and I hope you're all doing well.






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Hello, staff I actually don't think I know!


What I do know, going by your sidebar, is that you left due to health issues. Hope you're doing well - I had some chronic issues growing up, and I know it really bites.


In any event, welcome back!

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Hello, staff I actually don't think I know!


What I do know, going by your sidebar, is that you left due to health issues. Hope you're doing well - I had some chronic issues growing up, and I know it really bites.


In any event, welcome back!


Haha, former staff, actually. But hello!


And I am, thank you. I don't think BZP has quite the spot it used to for me anymore, but it's nice to swing by here and see what's changed.

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Aaaa familiar faces~


Hope all is well. Your presence in Artwork is missed.


Thank you. I miss you all very much.





Hey, Takuma! I hope you've been doing alright.

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Hey, good to see ya back on here.


Sup, Swert. Good to see you, too.


I had been away for quite a while too. Welcome back! :)


Heheh, high-five, hiatus friend. o/


Hey, welcome back! Hope everything's going well for you.


Thank you, Xaeraz. <3 I'm not going to be very active anymore, sad to say, but it feels kind of good to at least see where people are at right now.


EDIT: Ahaha oops, sorry Eeko, didn't see you there.


OMG! It's Nikira!

You should stick around and grace Artwork with your presence!


Hahaha, that would be kind of awesome, wouldn't it? I'm not making any promises, though, I'm sorry.

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Thought I'd drop by since people always get our names confused anyway.


I had quite a bit of dust on my blog as well.

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Thought I'd drop by since people always get our names confused anyway.


I had quite a bit of dust on my blog as well.


Oh the good ol' days~ Nice to see you, Nukora.



You're back! Huzzah! =D


Temporarily, yes! More like I'm peeking in to say hello.

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HI DEB I LOVE YOU hi I'm glad to see you here. :biggrin: I miss you!




I miss you too! Give Rob hugs for me.



Hey Deb! Glad to see you're still out there. Welcome back!


Yup, still kicking as much butt as I can, I guess, haha. Thanks, Andrew!


Good to see you drop by!


Yay! Nikira's back!


You know, the other day, I was just thinking about where Nikira had gone ...


Anyway, hooray! ^_^


Glad to be back for the moment! Thank you, guys. <3

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Hey, Aanchir.


I'm pretty touch-and-go right now with activity - I've kind of lost my flare for the site after being away from it for so long. But eh, it happens. :) Still missed you guys an awful lot, and I'll try to poke around every once in a while.

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