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New Job!

Watashi Wa


Greetings, readers!


Over the past three weeks, I've been in contacts with a federal contractor in the hopes of landing an application development/programming job here in town. The recruiter for the company ran across my resume and contacted me to set up an interview.


The very next day, I interviewed at a Starbucks with the Program Manager for the company. The interview went extremely well, and I was told I had a great chance of getting the job, barring some horrible background results came back from the check.


Two weeks passed and I hadn't heard back from anyone from the company. I assumed the worst. The same day I decided to contact the company, I got an email saying I was being considered for the job. Since then, I've been in constant communication filling out form after form. Tuesday, this week, I officially signed a letter accepting the position!


My first day on site is tomorrow. I assume I will be flooded with paper work and people asking for my signature. I can't get on any of the computers before my security passes since I'm working on an Air Force Base.


All day I've been jittery and nervous considering this is my first professional job.


I guess this is why I went to school for four years.


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Congrats, man! I wonder if the confidentiality on Air Force computers is stricter or looser than the stuff here at Microsoft. :P

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I misread it near the beginning and thought you were being interviewed for a position at starbucks. Needless to say I was very confused why Starbucks had so much security.


Congrats though! Wish you the best!



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Congratulations man, I know the feeling. Hopefully the security issues won't take too long to be sorted out. Took me a few weeks to get all my stuff.

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Great to hear! Now you're a pro(fessional).

What bad things came out of the background check?


Oh, no, sorry for the confusion. I meant me along the lines of I had the job unless I was hiding something from my background, which I definitely wasn't.



Congrats, man! I wonder if the confidentiality on Air Force computers is stricter or looser than the stuff here at Microsoft. :P


Lol. I'm going to go ahead and say the government is definitely more strict. ;)



I misread it near the beginning and thought you were being interviewed for a position at starbucks. Needless to say I was very confused why Starbucks had so much security.


Congrats though! Wish you the best!



I'm not sure I would survive working at Starbucks.



Congrats! Enjoy working for the man!


I'm excited for the experience. I'm with some great and highly intelligent guys.



Congratulations man, I know the feeling. Hopefully the security issues won't take too long to be sorted out. Took me a few weeks to get all my stuff.


I really hope my access is granted on Monday so I can start to dig into some code.

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