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There's a gun threat at my school.



Scared senseless. It's said to happen on Friday. The staff and board know about it. In fact, they announced that there was no evidence of it whatsoever over the intercom.


But I'm scared.




I have decided to stay home.


Even though it's likely that the treat is empty, I'd rather not take a chance. Rumor says two different things, but both are potentially dangerous. One, it has to do with a gang of a kid who got arrested recently for fighting, and two, it has to do with someone who knows how our lockdown drills go.


I'm expecting the building to be stuffed with police, probably 10 officers at minimum.



But what pushed me over the edge was a pentagram and upsidedown cross smeared onto a locker. I know that I shouldn't be worried over something like that, but with recent events, it offed me.


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Stay strong, man. If the staff and such know about it, then I'm sure they'll be taking precautions and watching for suspicious activity, even if they're telling you guys that there isn't evidence behind the claim. The best thing to do is just to stay calm about it and keep yourself safe. :)

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The police are involved and we've had plenty of lockdown drills before, but things are different. Rumor says it involves a gang of someone who was arrested for a fight.


I'm trying, though. Can't help but feel tensed about it..

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If there's been a threat, my guess is you have nothing to worry about. A threat like that made in advance is most likely empty, and if it's not then the advance notice should mean that police will be on hand in case something does go down. It's not like what happened in Connecticut, where there was no advance warning whatsoever.

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I have decided to stay home.


Even though it's likely that the treat is empty, I'd rather not take a chance. Rumor says two different things, but both are potentially dangerous. One, it has to do with a gang of a kid who got arrested recently for fighting, and two, it has to do with someone who knows how our lockdown drills go.


I'm expecting the building to be stuffed with police, probably 10 officers at minimum.



But what pushed me over the edge was a pentagram and upsidedown cross smeared onto a locker. I know that I shouldn't be worried over something like that, but with recent events, it offed me.

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That's pretty messed up. Though as you said there's probably nothing to it, I have to agree that the best plan of action was to stay at home. It's way better to be safe than sorry. I certainly hope there really is nothing to it as what the world definitely doesn't need right now is yet another sad turn of events.


That said, should it turn out to be fake, I hope whoever did the pentagram nonsense get's caught. That stuff isn't on, especially with the aforementioned recent events.

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