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Blessed Blade


[Marathon Go Go!]


Oh yes, forgot to mention this in the last entry; there were two BZPCs this weekend! =D So, since Friday night was so awesome, I decided to go for BZPC 14, and stay up until 2 AM once again! =P No issues getting into the server last night; everything just worked. Threw away my extra stuff before ET showed up, but forgot I was in creative, so I picked it all up again, and just obliterated it by throwing it back in the creative menu. =P


Once everyone was ready, I quickly placed a bed, and then once setup time started, I ran off and found a hole to stay in. Punched trees, and ignored the masses of mushrooms around. I quickly made a pick(stupidly using up all my planks for sticks at first. -_-), and then started on making a stairway to the bottom of the earth. Quickly things started going wrong, as I found a ravine like 3 feet from where I made the base, and as I was trying to look around it, I got shot off the edge by a skeleton, survived, and then got shot by another skeleton(Or he followed me, I'm still not sure). Well that wouldn't do; but it was still set-up time, so the death didn't count. I quickly went back in, dove into the pool of water, and reclaimed my sword from the skeleton, which had picked it up. Skeleton, you should stick to your bow, because I beat you with just my fists. HAH!


Once I got everything back, I noticed some iron! I grabbed that quickly, and made a stairway back up. I missed my base, which led to a second stairway into the ravine, and then went back into my base, smelted the iron, and then proceeded to try and find a safe way down the ravine. Not two blocks going down the side that I got knocked off initially, I ran into the stairway that I had made to get up. 0_o I wasn't complaining, I started to expand that, and found not too much... Though, I eventually ran into a cave, and started to clear it out. The first time, however, I ran into a zombie with I believe full leather on. I killed it easily, but saw a skeleton nearby. At about that point, ET died to a skeleton. Take note of that, it's death two by skeletons, set-up or real. =P With one officially out of the game, I continued to look around, finding some stuff which I mined out. However, as I was getting overconfident, a skeleton appeared to antagonize me. Shot me in the back, but I managed to kill it. I quickly ran and got some mushrooms, and headed to the surface, getting the mushrooms I passed up, making a bowl in the process. Mmm... Mushroom Stew. That stew probably saved my life a lot.


Back in my mine, I sealed off the drop to the ravine, and proceeded back to the cave I found. Except, instead of heading into the dark cave, I headed back to where I saw that skeleton earlier. It was gone. What did it do, circle back to ambush me? Was it the skelly I killed? 0_o Either way, I moved onward, eventually finding a second underground ravine. I noticed a zombie, killed it. Cleared a path, backtracked for a moment, returned, and saw a spider. Killed it without it even touching me. At about that point, I checked my map, and noticed an odd spot, so I just tunneled toward it, eventually thinking to go further down to attempt to find diamonds. That... Was not a good idea. I started to mine out the place after running into coal, and iron. Proceeded further in, found more coal, and more iron. I also found lapis; MI's favourite Minecraft item. =P Unit had to leave at about that time, unfortunately. I established a temporary base in that man-made cavern eventually, as I kept clearing it out. Thinking I should check out that odd spot, however, I quickly mined my way to the surface, running into MORE stuff that wasn't diamond. After reaching the surface, however, I saw nothing. Not even the odd dirt footsteps I had seemingly been hearing. 0_o The odd spot turned out to just be an odd half-beach, if you can even call it that. Just shore with like 5 blocks of sand. When I was back down in the mine, however, Bambi died as well. By being shot by a skeleton.


With three down, I decided it was a priority to find diamonds, so I went and started digging around to try and find them behind dirt and gravel. So began the reason I set up that temporary base and began to expand it and set up double chests. So much dirt; so little diamond.(Including that verbatim since you seemed to like that quote, Cholie. =P) I spent like an hour, if not two, digging out all that dirt, and all that gravel. So many shovels, just wasted. I found Gold, and iron, and coal. But no diamonds anywhere at all. Heck, I even stopped keeping that to myself, and began to mention it, since I was just surprised. Unit had returned by then. Of course, since MI had switched alliances by that point, I formed an alliance with him. It seemed, however, that every time I'd say 'diamond', Unit would run into some. xD Actually, anything anyone mentioned, Unit would run into. =P However, shortly after he returned, Cholie blew up. Poor MI was left with no partner. xD


I was getting rather annoyed with the lack of diamonds, however, giving the quote that I said earlier about that point. I ran out of places to dig, so I instead started to strip mine the cave, thinking that there should be diamonds somewhere in there. I get to one passage just as AT got disconnected because of Internet issues, and find that I've stumbled onto a cave with TONS of redstone. Like, masses of it. I had discovered some earlier, but it was accompanied by the bottom of the map. =P Lapis, redstone, Gold, you name it, it was probably there. I secured a part of it, but I seemed to run out of torches(Protip: Check your freaking inventory before you think that. -_-), so I just got rid of one section that seemed to be bugging me, right near the entrance. BINGO. 8 freaking diamonds, right there. I was rather pleased about that, but almost out of hunger, with no Mushroom Stew left, and Unit halfway across the map. I go to the surface, run out of food, run back down as it drops me to half a heart, cook the chicken I found, eat it, but only have three bars of food. Unit had to leave for 10 minutes then, and Ry got disconnected as well, leaving MI searching for me. I tried to monitor his progress, but he was too smart for me, and wouldn't give his co-ords, despite the fact that he'd kill me in an instant anyway. =P Luckily(Err, um, yeah, maybe not), Ry logged on at about that time with the news that AT couldn't return because of the internet problems, so I tried to get MI to search for Ry instead of me, but I also got the brilliant idea to go and grab lava to at least counter kill whoever found me. From the unlit cavern. With half a heart left.


So, I go to grab the lava, hiking through the mine I had uncovered, bypassing the coal I left, and reaching the cave. In my haste, I didn't catch the skeleton sound. Of course, a second too late, I saw the skeleton out of the corner of my eye, and tried to grab lava. Of course, the sound of an arrow hitting a wall, dropped my attention from that. I turned around, and saw the skeleton right behind me; no means of escape. Resigned to my fate, I rushed the skeleton. *twang* "BZP_Blade was shot by a skeleton." "Respawn" Well dang. I should've just stayed in my safe hidey-hole. ;_; A couple minutes later, Unit shows up, and a few minutes after that, everyone has the ultimate showdown that decided the match; Ry killed MI and Unit, and too victory. MI got his Lapis platform, in a little funny coincidence there. =P And I did very well, considering the only real reason I didn't survive until at least Unit return was my brilliant plan to go exploring. =P


It was awesome fun, however; and I will certainly join BZPC 15 whenever it's ready. =D


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However ironic it was, yes. =P And if I hadn't run out of food, or fended off that skeleton, I might've been able to get enough lava to kill all the others and win, which would've completed a total reversal of the situation from 13. =P Though I suspect Ry had fire protection diamond armour on, so that probably wouldn't have done much. =/ But ah well, plans work out so much better in your head, much like BZPC 13's epic failure of an idea to go kill a zombie. =P

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