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Behind Blue Eyes II



Note, don't read this unless you've read part 1!




So, first I'll explain the reasoning behind the answer to the first question.



The most popular way of explaining this, is to bring the number to just one blue eyed islander.

With just one, the answer is obvious. The guru says someone has blue eyes, the blue eyed person doesn't see anyone else with blue eyes, so they deduce their eye color.


Now bump the number up to two. Each blue eyed islander sees the other, and reasoning by the one blue eyed scenario assume the other will leave that night. When the other islander doesn't leave, they both deduce that their own eye color must be blue, and they leave on the 2nd night.


Each succesive blue eyed islander you add adds one more day of deduction.




That's the reasoning. Sorry if I explained it poorly.


Now, this doesn't answer the second question, it still seems like the Guru gives no information. So what's to stop the above cycle from just occuring spontaneously. What does the Guru say to start it off?




Alrighty, this ones a bit harder to explain, but it is entirely my work. Which was kinda the whole point of these two entries.


The answer lies in the idea of belief.



To simplify the explanation, I'm gonna reduce the number of blue eyed islanders to 10, but this holds for any number.


So, imagine the ten islanders, who we'll call A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and J.


Consider A. A can only see 9 blue eyed islanders, and assumes his own eye color is brown. (if he assumed it was blue, he'd be assuming the qualifying statement and have some sort of backwards tautology thing go on.)


Now because A believes there are only 9 blue eyed islanders, he believes B can only see 8.

Being logically perfect, A knows that B will assume B's own eye color to be brown. A also knows that B knows that C will assume C's eye color to be brown.

So A believes B believes that C sees 7 blue eyed islanders.


You can follow this progression all the way to J:

A believes B believes C believes that D sees 6.

A believes B believes C believes D believes E sees 5.



Then, all the way at the bottom:

A believes B believes C believes D believes E believes F believes G believes H believes I believes that J sees 0 blue eyed islanders.


It's important to note, that A does not believe J sees 0 blue eyed, it's very obvious that A believes J sees 8.

Only through the progression of perception do we get this result.



This is what changes when the Guru speaks.

Once the Guru speaks, every one knows that every one knows that every one know..... that there is at least one blue eyed person.

Which means that A believes B believes C believes D believes E believes F believes G believes H believes I believes that J sees 1 blue eyed islanders, because A knows that everyone knows there is a blue eyed person.


This triggers the events above.





So there you have it.

It's a little tough to get your head around, plus I'm pretty bad at explaining through text.

So if you've got any doubts or questions, please ask!


Recommended Comments

Not a bad explanation at all. In fact, I'd say it's the best I've seen after looking through more confusing explanations on other sites. Everyone else pretty much stops at the first spoiler, even though the second is the key to understanding it.

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