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Here comes Justice





New avatar! It's been a good five months or so of Child's Play, but I think it's time to retire it until later this year, when the drive picks up again in earnest.


In the meantime, though, Ace Attorney 5 finally got some more solid details, including the return of Apollo Justice as a playable character. Apollo was the star of the fourth game of the series, and while he kind of got overshadowed by Phoenix, I loved his personality and am really glad to see he'll be playing a major role in the fifth game as well.


But really, can we stop and appreciate this cover for a sec? From left to right, there's a defense attorney whose first name is Phoenix and has the Superman cowlick; an 18-year-old attorney who specializes in psychology and has a supercomputer in her necklace that can read people's emotions; a prosecutor who is also a convicted murderer, and a guy named Apollo Justice who has a magic bracelet that lets him spot people's subconscious tells. (And never mind how he dresses when injured.)


And that's just the main characters. I love this series, because no matter how insane you think it can get, it always finds a way to top itself.


Anyways, in other news, between covering this AA5 info for a different site and university, I've unfortunately been pretty busy lately. Still, I'm chipping away at the plot for a follow-up to The Shadow and the Sea; it was far too much fun writing alternate-universe Good!Teridax to leave it at that. With any luck, I can really buckle down and write the most of it this summer.


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I have to say that I wasn't that big a fan of Apollo as a character, actually, and I am glad we get to have Phoenix as the main character again. I love the new look Phoenix has for this game, what with his awesome vest and pocket watch chain.


Now if only the Layton/Ace Attorney crossover were localized...



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And now allow me to explain what I see on that cover there:


The Doctor reached his twelfth incarnation, however he has no idea who he is and has secretly taken the alias of a defense attorney. To this day he pays no attention to the awesome pocket watch he keeps on his person. (From time to time he also says "I have a cowlick now. Cowlicks are cool.")


Luna is hiding inside of another fandom to avoid the wrath of the nonary game, and is using her dimension-hopping necklace (whose name is Anul) for her own nefarious purposes under the guise of the Doctor's assistant.


Seto Kaiba and Holden Caufield morphed together when a freak dueling accident went down when Kaiba was reading "Cathcher In the Rye." This resulted in the strange side-effect of eating feathers.


Apollo Justice is still Apollo Justice. I wouldn't wish that fate on my worst of enemies.


In some form of seriousness, however, I have high hopes for the new game. The fourth game itself was a fairly large miss for me, however with a cast of characters this ridiculous-looking there's bound to be something promising. Apollo just didn't look ridiculous enough in the fourth game. Clearly Capcom has realized this error.

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