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Kopakas. They aint welcome!



I trust everyone has heard of Kopaka from the Bionicle story line. The icey cool dude that most people seem to love so much. Yeah... he's cool. I mean... Kopaka characters are cool. In every movie, book or whatever, we love 'em. We dream to be like Kopaka, with his cool ways and chill attitude(Yeah those are horrible puns).


I mean like really cool. But, what I'm going to say, people aren't going to like. Kopakas are annoying as heck in the real world. I mean, when you think about it, it sounds really cool. Then you realise. Who is most like Kopaka that you know? Can't they be reeeeeaaaaaally annoying at times? Darn right they can. They analytically think everything, they think they are some sort of chief. And when they speak...


Okay, here is another thing that doesn't work in the real world: Cool dialogue. I mean, seriously its annoying. I think the worst part is that you can tell the person thinks theyre so chief when they say it. You can practically hear the music playing in their head as they speak. I'm really empathizing with Tahu right now. If Bionicle was real, do you really think Tahu and Kopaka would have made up and ben buddies? I highly doubt it. The whole thing was just thrown in there like "Two contrasting characters who are completely different bond in the end". There is nothing wrong with that. Its heart warming, it really is. Just thought it was a good point to throw out there.


I guess I'm not so much talking about Kopakas. Because the truth is Kopakas don't exist. They're an idealistic character that we either want to be or want as a friend. People arent that perfet. I think my gripe is wannabe Kopakas. Darn you Kopaka I want to be you.


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kopaka and pohatu otp forever


i feel like a lot of series have this character dynamic (Bleach and Naruto to name two easy examples; [Naruto and Sasuke, Ichigo and Ishida])


irl i never met anyone who was similar to either of the two archetypes so i really can't say but Ishida's a pretty neat guy after he drops some petty grudge stuff (and becomes a little warmer in general, plus he had the character trait of amazing sewing skills that gave him some more fun, redeeming moments). i also used Ishida since he's developed better than Kopaka, character wise (and Sasuke i don't think had any development when i read that series outside of just getting more annoying).


Kopaka's sorta one-dimensional though... but i stopped following the story a few years before the line ended (which might be why i can't think of anyone like him in a real life sense)

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For whatever it is worth, I might as well toss out my opinion in here...


I think the biggest draw to characters like Kopaka is their self-confidence. As humans, we are often plagued with insecurities, and having the confidence to stand against well... anything life throws at them is a trait many might end up envying.


Even when that confidence is offset by less desirable traits, the fact that it is there is enough to inspire others towards emulation. The problem arises when instead of emulating just the self-confidence (if such a thing is even possible to actually pull off), people try to imitate the entirety of his behavior. As you said, for all of the fondness some of us may have for him as a character, having to deal with a person like that in real life would be less than ideal.


So yeah. We all want to be a Kopaka. XD

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I think it's because we find chatterboxes tiresome. :P


But really, we admire those people who are just able to pull things off without a lot of conversation. At the same time, we resent those people, because we don't have that ability. And those people who have that ability resent other people for getting in their way or because they can't "fit in" or don't even want to.


Kopaka is a distant ideal. It's easy to ignore the effect his chilly attitude has on the other people and just relate to or admire the confidence.

And that's not a really an either-or: I'm just breaking down the logic so I can present it. There are times when any given person can end up with Kopaka-like confidence, or not. I suspect most of us prefer the former. That's what makes the ideal so tantalizing - we experience it sometimes and wish it were true all the time.

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