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There's SWTOR and the Revan novel, which does wrap up the whole thing; kind of stupidly in parts. I love SWTOR but I prefer it when it's not having anything at all to do with KotOR. (Like I'd rather have not had a canon Revan at all. Who's a white dude. Who's a white dude who's also the stupidest person in the galaxy.)


I'd still have rather got a proper KotOR III, and then SWTOR, since the Imperial Agent storyline alone makes it totally worth it.


But yeah, that game basically changed my life. It sounds trite, but I've made so many friends through it and I'd've never been as into Bioware games and Star Wars without it.

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Such a fantastic game. I've never gotten around to getting very far in KOTOR2, but the first is an all-time favorite.

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One of my all time favorite games, and I do hope that someday we will get a proper third installment now the BioWare is working on their own Star Wars project. I was somewhat disappointed with SWTOR.

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One of my all time favorite games, and I do hope that someday we will get a proper third installment now the BioWare is working on their own Star Wars project. I was somewhat disappointed with SWTOR.

If you go in expecting KotOR III, you'll be massively disappointed. If you go in expecting eight suspiciously similar but really good Star Wars RPGs by Bioware with a multiplayer aspect, then it's a lot of fun.


Then again, my expectations were very low, since the Revan novel suuuuucccckkeeeddd and because Mass Effect 3's ending also sucked, and I was pleasantly surprised. And I encourage everyone I know to play the Imperial Agent, especially now that it's F2P, since I feast off of tears and "WHAT THE ...." moments.

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Such a fantastic game. I've never gotten around to getting very far in KOTOR2, but the first is an all-time favorite.


Try out The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod, it really makes the KOTORII experience more complete.


I love both KOTOR games, the gameplay is not that good but the story and the setting makes up for it. I'm not really sure I would like to see a sequel, though (unless obsidian made it).

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