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Smiles and Tears



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I haven’t lived even half as long as adults have,

but I do have plenty of memories in my backpack

My favorite baseball cap, my sneakers with worn-out heels

Deep in my pocket is my worn-down guitar pick

There were some things sad enough to make tears come out,

but you were always by my side

I thought of the two of us as just friends the whole time

I probably loved you without ever realizing it


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We walked while we laughed, played, and got hurt

I realized it as we took shortcuts and went in circles:

that even if you can’t believe in everyone

you can’t cast aside a heart you do believe in

You made me stronger just being who you are

Like a gentle wind blowing and swaying the grass

you always walked with a smile


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Yes, the two who shared smiles and tears one after the other…..

(I miss you)

…..are now far apart…..




$9.99. The WiiU eShop.

Remember, no crying until the end.


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