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NYCC Stuff



I'm going to do a write-up about the entire NYCC trip, but I want to edit my photos first. For now, here's the image of all the parts and masks I ended up with after NYCC. But first, a little explanatory background:


Several months ago, I got an email from a woman on the LEGO CEE team, asking if I wanted to be part of a project she couldn't tell me about. I, of course, said "uh, only absolutely." She sent me an NDA, and I signed it. The next email started out with: "So we're bringing BIONICLE back in 2015."


This was before Brickfair, and I learned in that email that Black Six had known for another six months before that. Later that day I'd get an email saying that Tufi Piyufi was also under NDA now, and the three of us have been a core team working on the NYCC promotion and trying to get fans to NYCC without letting on that we knew about the BIONICLE thing, until, of course, TLG got tired of the leaks and just said "yep, it's coming back, go to NYCC". (That part made it a lot easier, lol)


Eventually we were told TLG wanted to send out a bunch of preview parts to a handful of MOCers (as well as Andrew and Jen), so we came up with a list of ten MOC builders around the world (which included me, so nine others) to have parts sent to. This, unfortunately, was then narrowed down by TLG to two slots outside of me, so parts were sent to the three of us, and then to Kakaru and Retinence. Oh! And Roa was sent parts separately as well. When the parts went out, the CEE team member told me that she was sending us less than she had planned, because not all of them had passed through legal yet.


Fast-forward a month or two to Brickcon, and I was talking to her there. She told me the rest had passed through legal, and she would have them for me, specifically, at NYCC. At NYCC she handed me a big bag of parts, with the direction to share them with Andrew, Jen, and Micah. In this bag was that giant bag of clear Tahu masks.


We decided the fair thing to do was to part them out in a manner we deemed most fair in the hotel room with the people who attended the con with us. This included the clear Tahu masks, as from what we were told they were supposed to be part of the original shipments out to the group of us under NDA, at leas the three core members of the team. Before we parted the Tahu masks out, though, we saved several dozen for BZP giveaways, with the acknowledgment that we didn't all need a ton of them, and several of us would probably be willing to give more to the cause at some point if we feel like doing so.


So the bag photo was a bit of a troll, I'll admit. Not all of those are for BZP giveaways, some of us probably ended up with more of the masks than BZP itself did. But like I said, it's not like we all need those extra masks, and I can guarantee some of mine and Nukaya's are going to filter out a small amount at things like BricksCascade.


Anyway, that all said, we're almost to the photo! Some of this is from the VIP building event at the LEGO store, but most of it is from that big bag of parts.


And again, massive thanks to LEGO and the CEE team for all they've done for BZPower, the general community, and yes, for me personally. These people have invested massively in us as a fanbase, and especially in BZPower. Words don't really express how amazing these folks are, and how much hard work went in to planning these things. We were only involved in what was most likely a small fraction of the real planning, but I can tell you it was a lot of planning. These people are amazing, and they really really love us.



Full size on Flickr.

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One of these days I'll manage to actually meet the LEGO people (what was it, five minutes between her leaving and me showing up at BrickCon? :P) and probably find this out myself, but by all accounts they've been really fantastic about fan outreach.


And I don't think I ever actually said this, so - congrats on getting to be a part of the group working on the reveal!

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Was this part of why y'all were all so adamant about "Just trust us, follow the Leaks Policy, okay?" :P

That sounds like an incredible experience, it's awesome that TLG worked so closely and generously with you. Can't wait to see all those parts in use by all the MOCers!

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That's a lot of transparent Haus.


That picture of the bag was indeed a bit of a troll. I feel LEGO should have also given you a bag of masks with the explicit directive of handing them to BZPower for distribution, but oh well, we've already talked about that. That said, thank you very much for every single one of the masks you've decided to put aside for this site and elsewhere.


Of course, it's really cool that LEGO contacted you guys early and I find it really amazing how long Black Six has actually known about the return of BIONICLE. Makes me wonder what else LEGO may have planned/be planning with him behind the scenes.


until, of course, TLG got tired of the leaks and just said "yep, it's coming back, go to NYCC".

I hope I didn't ruin their game when I found that picture on LEGO.com. :P So they didn't actually plan to reveal it before NYCC initially?


-Gata signoff.png

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Cool beans, thanks for letting us in on the story.


I'm assuming those are all the same shades of green? The #6 armor and the chest armor seem to be slighly different in color, but it could have something to do with the angle and lighting of the pieces...


(Also, is jealous. Like, a lot. :P )



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Those launchers are quite interesting, seeing as they're presumably prototypes or test molds—none of the sets we've seen them in have the "barrel" element in yellow to my knowledge.

The same probably goes for the Trans. Fluor. Reddish Orange Haus, some of which will hopefully make it into a contest or giveaway at some point.

I hope Lego's support for BZP in the lead-up to Bionicle 2015 is a sign of things to come. That kind of exclusive treatment is going to do wonders for making sure BZP remains the premier Bionicle discussion site for both the old AND new themes!

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That's awesome man. I suppose y'all are better at keeping things on the DL than I would've guessed. :P I wish I could have joined you guys, but then again, there's always time later on to get a glimpse of all your new stuff.


Basically, this means I HAVE to return to the PNW at some point. 

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I have no idea how I'd ever use that many of those giant chest plates from Onua, but if anybody can come up with a use, it's you. :P

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Oh woah. There's a lot of the trans orange Masks of Fire... Really do want to know what that's about now.


But hey that's all pretty cool. I'm sure it's a huge relief to finally be able to talk about (most) of it all. :)

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Augh I'm still super jelly of those orange Tahu masks you have no idea.


And it's really good to hear that the CEE team is so great to work with. I look forward to seeing how the new LAN works out.

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Hmm, looks like I have some additional incentive to make it to BricksCascade then.


What's the story behind the solid/trans-red Hau in this picture? I don't see it in the one above.



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In order as much as possible:


- We were told explicitly that we were chosen not just because of being specifically BIONICLE focused, but other sites were excluded because they haven't followed LEGO's wishes about leaks. There is a benefit to the policy!

- No, they had no plans to announce the theme until NYCC. It was supposed to be a secret until then. The fan base ruined that.

- Yes, all of these are the same shade of green.

- I already had a MOC in the works to use the giant chest plates on.

- It is very very nice to be able to talk about most of it. Emphasis on most. ;)

- I am also looking forward to the new LAN, as BIONILUG's ambassador.

- Yes, those are trans-orange haus. No idea what the purpose of them is or was. I think a dozen of us have some now. I am not planning on donating any of those to anything, and BZP does not have any itself. So I would not expect to see them in a giveaway or contest.

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I'm assuming those are all the same shades of green? The #6 armor and the chest armor seem to be slighly different in color, but it could have something to do with the angle and lighting of the pieces...

There is no #6 armor in this picture. Do you mean #4? In that case, yes, they're both Bright Green.
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That thing you say about the leaked content policy is really, really cool. It's great to see LEGO acknowledges our efforts to respect their wishes.


I'm sorry I ruined the surprise. Do you know if the guys at the CEE team are mad at me now, or were at some point?


-Gata signoff.png

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So is it true that Gali's pieces are in a new shade of blue? I remember hearing that somewhere. Otherwise, I'm even more hyped to nab all of these pieces (or at least the one's I can nab) once the sets come out.

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Hmm, looks like I have some additional incentive to make it to BricksCascade then.


What's the story behind the solid/trans-red Hau in this picture? I don't see it in the one above.



The picture in this entry is just the stuff I got at NYCC. It does not include the pieces TLG sent me before the convention, which included the trans/solid orange hau in that photo. I don't know what is up with that one, I'm assuming it's a misprint of what is probably a test mold batch.


That thing you say about the leaked content policy is really, really cool. It's great to see LEGO acknowledges our efforts to respect their wishes.


I'm sorry I ruined the surprise. Do you know if the guys at the CEE team are mad at me now, or were at some point?


-Gata signoff.png

I think TLG is more upset at themselves for hosting things in places they shouldn't. Or naming files "BIONICLENEW" or things like that.




So is it true that Gali's pieces are in a new shade of blue? I remember hearing that somewhere. Otherwise, I'm even more hyped to nab all of these pieces (or at least the one's I can nab) once the sets come out.

Gali's parts are dark azure, which is not a new colour, but is new to constraction.

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That's awesome! I did wonder why you and Black Six were defending the leak policy so strongly (I mean obviously you have to because you're staff, and I do agree with it), and I'm very happy to see that something has come of it!


Those trans-orange Haus are really cool. I wonder if Lego was thinking about giving all of the Toa translucent masks before they decided on what they have now...

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So by give-away, do you mean give out to members you meet at conventions, or will they be raffled off on BZP? Or both?

BZPower itself owns several dozen of the clear masks. Those will be given away somehow, yet to be determined. These are separate from the ones in my photo.


I'll probably give some out somehow at Cascade, and slip a few to some friends. Otherwise, who knows?

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I'll probably give some out somehow at Cascade, and slip a few to some friends. Otherwise, who knows?


DeeVee! Ole buddy ole pal! How are you, my best friend in the whole wide world, doing? I head you got some fancy stuff from Lego... (=P)

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