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Doctor Who Season Finale part 1

Scanty Demon


Dear Steven Moffat,

Please go back to Writing 101 because you seem to have forgotten a lot things from that class. Like make sense. For instance,

what tactical advantage does armor that makes inorganic matter invisible posses? What was the point of having those skeletons out in the open for all to see? Why are the windows the same shape as the Cybermen eyes? Why is the Master back didn't he sacrifice himself to repent for his evils or something? Or did you change that with saving Gallifrey? Why did you promise so much in the trailer yet hardly any of it was in the actual episode?

Okay last one was more of a general question. Please Steven you used to be a good writer, just understand not all your ideas are good ideas. Learn this and your writing will improve significantly.


Scanty Demon

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The armor wasn't invisible by itself, being submerged in the Dark Water just made it invisible. It was basically a tomb, so it's nice to be able to see your loved ones/random rich peoples' skeletons chilling on a throne, and Missy is probably the only one who really knew that they were being converted into Cybermen, or what that meant. Also skeletons are spoooooky and kept their true nature hidden even from the Doctor until they were ready, and he's basically their only real threat. The 3W is an institute to which people donate their bodies upon their deaths to be preserved and treated well. It gets government inspections (Dr. Chang asks why there's another one so soon) and has facilities all over the globe. It's safe to assume it's one of those things only very wealthy people know about, since the "truth" about the afterlife would cause some chaos if everyone knew about it. Of course, the 3W is just all a ruse and a means for the Master to get a reliable flow of unharmed bodies and massive funding to mess with all the world's graves without drawing much suspicion, and the victims' emotions are erased inside The Nethersphere while their bodies get upgraded before being redownloaded into their new Cyberman bodies, since in the past Cybermen basically only had external devices to inhibit emotions and those were not 100% effective (That lady from Age of Steel, Craig Owens in Closing Time, I think this may be something that happened in Classic Who too but I've only seen Tomb of the Cybermen so far). The windows were shaped like Cybermen eyes because The Master always dresses/decorates for the occasion (Source: 1996 TV Movie :P) and she now clearly has a wicked sense of humor ("say something nice" "I'll keep that photo always, always!"), and it did make for a really cool twist when the elevator doors closed, I thought it was clever. We still have a whoooole 'nother episode to go for this two part finale so it's too early to get mad at Moffat for not explaining how The Master escaped Gallifrey or where on their own timeline this Master even fits, aaaand Moffat doesn't have any input on the trailers, you can blame that department for not only cramming it full of scenes from the next episode but spoiling the Cyberman reveal.

And yeah, Moffat used to be a great writer when he wrote single episodes, but as a show runner, he gets all these big ideas and whether or not they're good, he always executes them poorly. It's just not his forte, he should leave that to someone else or at least get better input from the rest of the writers to help him out. 

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To be fair, you can't really start criticising and saying stuff doesn't make sense when you've only seen half the story so far.


And the trailer was for both episodes - the finale as a whole.

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To be fair, you can't really start criticising and saying stuff doesn't make sense when you've only seen half the story so far.


And the trailer was for both episodes - the finale as a whole.

Point taken, but considering how bad the first half I don't have high hopes for part 2.


Trailer: I think you're right but it still bugs me that there was so much in the trailer that wasn't in part 1. But hey that's just me.

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Not just you, I definitely think the trailer was dumb and should have only showed what was in the first half if they weren't going to air both at the same time.

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okay so i think it's safe to say that the whole 'dark water' business has been as explained as it's going to be given that we've left 3W behind for the most part, so what the heck were the chairs and plaques made of



- Indigo Individual

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okay so i think it's safe to say that the whole 'dark water' business has been as explained as it's going to be given that we've left 3W behind for the most part, so what the heck were the chairs and plaques made of



- Indigo Individual

Must've been something super gross and organic. Maybe just bone. Ick :P

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