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Wanna Be in a BZP Story?



EDIT: I've started on this, so any new entries will not be major characters.


I have an idea for a new story to celebrate the return of Bionicle. Specifically, a story featuring members of BZ-Koro, the virtual village where Bionicle fans hang out. (An analogy for BZPower, obviously.) I planning to use a few story tricks I’ve done previously, and one of those is to have members submit their names to become major characters!


All you’d have to do is fill out a short entry form in this blog and I’ll consider making you a character. Depending on how many entries I get, you may or may not get to be a main character, but I’ll do my best to make sure everybody who submits gets into the story. (And people are more interested in stories they’re in, so I hope to garner some readership that way too. :P ) You can pick your character traits, as stated below, so that I’ll be basing it off what you want to be like rather than just my impression of you. ;) (Some higher staffies will be in this regardless. How else are we supposed to have a supreme overlord if I don’t include Black Six?) That said, I do reserve the right to make slight alterations to characters to fit the story. (Or, if, y’know, you make yourself too powerful.)


Anyway, entry submission time!!

  • Name: Generally based off your username, but pick one if you change it often, or pick a shorter nickname if your original is way long. So like somebody called “Blardy The Super Cool Toa of Extremeness” will get it shortened to “Blardy.” If you’d like to think up something entirely original, go ahead, I guess, but then people won’t recognize it as you. :sly:
  • Area of Expertise: What’s something you know a lot about, Bionicle-wise. Is it masks? Weapons? Characters? Locations? Can you craft stuff, or are you stealthy? Choose something fairly limited, like a simple profession or area of study. Forge disks, purify protodermis, study Rahi, knowledgeable in Bionicle history? (This is one where I might tweak things if you try to godmod the character.)
  • Mask: Choose a mask of power that you can use. It’ll be Great Mask level, and let’s limit it to the common ones, so no legendary masks of time, light, life, creation, shadows, energy, ext.
  • Weapon / Element: You can choose a weapon that has elemental powers. Like a fire sword or earth hammer. You can pick the design and the element, but no extra gimmicks.
  • Side: Are you good or evil? Or are you a turncoat? If you want to be the latter, enter in which side you want to appear as, and then PM me the details so we can keep it a secret. :sly:
  • Motivation: Answer this question: Why would you embark on a quest? For the fame, or for the fortune? Help me learn what makes your character act.
  • Fatal Flaw: Here’s where you deviate your character from yourself (or at least claim to.) Pick some sort of unique downside to your character. Are they afraid of snakes? Can’t swim. Weakness to lightstones? Inexplicitly turn into a koala one a day for just fifteen minutes? Be creative here, and it’ll challenge me to include this into the story!
  • Other Details: If there’s something else about your character that you want to include that’s not covered above. Don’t go into too much detail here, cause there’s only so much characterization I can pull off, but something extra to add your special personality to the character in the story.

Aaaaaand that’s all I’ve got for now. I might start writing in a few days or so, depending on how quickly I get entries. (Or if nobody is interested I’ll just scrap the project.) But thanks for reading, now submit your own character!



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Huh. Never been in something like this, but it's a heck of a lot easier than writing my own story about my OC or figuring out how to roleplay. :P

  • Name: Lyichir
  • Area of expertise: Probably colors and parts. I like to fancy myself an artist or designer so I heavily research things like that which could contribute to those fields, even if my knowledge doesn't always help when I have to apply those skills practically. I suppose in a Bionicle-esque setting I'd be a tinkerer of sorts.
  • Mask: Aw, I hate having to pick an existing mask instead of designing my own. I guess Helryx's mask of Psychometry doesn't have an official appearance; that one's not too special for me to choose, right? My mask would also have to have attached lenses, for analyzing the fine details of objects (My glasses are part of my identity).
  • Weapon/Element: Element would definitely be Air. Weapon? Maybe a rapier (that's a fairly unique choice, I think).
  • Side: Good, most definitely. I don't think I'd betray anybody either, unless MAYBE I was coerced or blackmailed... and even then I'd try my best to weasel my way out or try to surreptitiously help the people I cared about. I suppose the main point is that I'd value my friends' well-being above my own moral certitude or self-preservation.
  • Motivation: I think the main reason I'd embark on a quest would be self-improvement. Also helping friends and seeing the world and all that good stuff.
  • Fatal flaw: I'd say indecisiveness and poor communication skills, but from how you described it it sounded like you wanted a more concrete weakness. So I guess... an allergy to a common plant? Or maybe just weaker physically than everyone else.
  • Other details: You didn't even ask about appearance! So let me just say, lime green ALL THE WAY. None of that Metru Green or junk like that for me!
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Name: Gurk

Area of expertise: I dunno. Probably making weapons or something? Also has a fascination with Rahi- probably designs a few weapons based on them

Mask: I'm going to go with something new and say the Mask of Repulsion, because that seems like a pretty decent mask power that shouldn't be considered "immoral"

Weapon/Element: I liked the earth hammer idea. Gimme that. Also Earth is my favorite element so let's go with that

Side: Good. Apathetic, but good, I suppose

Motivation: Entirely for the fortune

Fatal flaw: Not very fast, hates standing still for too long, bananas give him painful stomachaches

Extra notes: Good physical strength, is fairly endurant. Pretty smart, I guess. Doesn't talk much. Straight-up grouchy and doesn't care for anyone he works with. Snarky, especially towards goody-two-shoes hero types or people who try to act edgy (don't go overboard with this and turn me into Vezon).

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Name: Tekulo

Area of expertise: Mask Making/Food preparation (depending on if we eat food in this universe. Primarily the mask making thing)

Mask: Cadin

Weapon/Element: Jungle elemental. Weapon is a wooden staff that I use as an unnecessary walking stick.

Side: Good because I'm a total wimp when it comes to this. Ilove fluffy kittens and people that actually get along and I sing Disney songs, okay?!

Motivation: Being around other people that make me feel safe. Like, being a part of a family and having a sense of being a part of something. That's reason number one for joining you imbeciles.

Fatal flaw: Highly insecure, but hides such insecurities. Basically this dude can have a panic attack under tense, stressful situations where breathing becomes heavy and he gets lost in thought. In battle, however, the most that would happen is a second's hesitation as he is actively needed.

Extra notes: Loves stories and fables, but hates personal gossip. Is most content when with a close buddy or when generally with friends. Cares little for treasures unless they are those of sentimental value and so long as he has enough for his own needs. Assuming he is on the road, he travels light. In his home on BZKoro, he has a collection of plushies, several of which have been autographed by Lewa. Commonly uses playful banter with friends. The stronger the friendship, the stronger the snark.

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Have this.

  • Name: Franco Mango
  • Area of Expertise: Franco's gifted with a good memory and an innate curiosity; combined, these traits have led him to substantial knowledge of history, particularly relating to Bionicle.
  • Mask: Matatu
  • Weapon/Element: He carries a dolabra that channels Fire to superheat the blade, allowing it to cut through most anything. His element is also Fire.
  • Side: He'll settle for plain Good in a pinch. His alignment most truly falls on the side of Lawful Good.
  • Motivation: Mango wants to know. He believes that knowledge is the greatest moral good. By learning more, as through excavations he makes with his dolabra, he's doing his societal duty. In a similar vein, spreading knowledge is something he thinks everyone is obligated to do. Therefore, he seeks the truth.
  • Fatal Flaw: Because of his philosophy, or perhaps his terrible inability, Franco's a reluctant and poor liar. He struggles with acting and being a different personality.
  • Other Details: While Mango's in the habit of getting his hands dirty on archaeological expeditions, he's a fastidious soul. His personal appearance is always kept spick and span through use of rags and a handkerchief. On those occasions in which he's physically incapable of making himself less dirty, he uses his Kanohi for cleaning.
    He also cultivates his truth-seeking in the philosophical conflicts of the Bionicle RPG forum and in service to it on the BZPRPG Wiki (where he most decorated editor and an administrator.)
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Heck yeah! I love stories like this (no I'm not biased just because I'm writing a series like this >.>)


Name: Voltex

Area of Expertise: Oh man, you're making this tough. Definitely knowledgeable about weapons and stealthy (probably a good fighter, but not, like, the best ever). Also good people skills.

Mask: Volitak, Great Mask of Stealth

Weapon / Element: Element of Gravity; carries a purple sword that he calls "Rhindon". He claims that the sword talks to him in his mind (whether that's true or not is up to you)

Side: Good, obviously. They're gonna need my help.

Motivation: Fame - entirely fame. He'd love to travel to an island and learn that he has become famous there.

Fatal Flaw: He's vengeful - BIG TIME. It takes him a loooong time to forgive, and holding a grudge will often get him into a bigger mess than he was in before. He also occasionally forgets that talking to his sword makes people think he's insane, which will often be detrimental to the success of whatever task he is doing at the time.

Other Details: While he is of the Gravity element, his armor is black and silver, with scorch marks. He's also really good at getting people to like him - which is kind of necessary since he so often ruins relationships by appearing insane or holding a grudge. Snarky & sarcastic while in battle. 

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I'm basically already a character in one epic... but hey, here's an opportunity, and this sounds interesting. Not going to miss an opportunity.



Name:  Trijhak

Area of Expertise: Difficult... stealth, I guess. Has a bit of interest in history. 

Mask: Kanohi Huna, Mask of Concealment. 

Weapon / Element: Element is Plasma. Weapon is a crossbow - mostly because fighting up close has an increased possibility of getting stabbed.

Side: Evil. There are very little people he cares about, however. He's a loner and prefers not to be seen. More likely to run away than anything. Hence, he's good at being evil and terrible at being good.

Motivation: Trying to find a situation he can't possibly run away from, so that he can force himself to act.

Fatal Flaw: Very likely to run away when faced with an unfamiliar situation, to be point of being perceived as a coward.

Other Details: Due to being a loner, he wears a Huna so that he can avoid being seen. His armour is also burnt orange and white. Doesn't like to talk much, would very much prefer to stay out of conflict if possible.

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What the hey, why not.


Name: Cyrix

Area of Expertise: Creativity! He likes anything that allows him to create, and as a result is fairly adept at conceptual thinking.

Mask: Kanohi Matatu, Mask of Telekinesis. (Shaped like a Mask of Sensory Aptitude)

Weapon / Element: Element of Electricity. His weapon is an ornate dagger that is one of his most valued possessions.

Side: Good. He doesn't like picking sides (being indecisive as he is), but he also likes people and friends, and will do almost anything for them.

Motivation: Curiosity and a desire to learn drive him, but he also likes making people happy and helping others.

Fatal Flaw(s): Huh boy, where to begin with this one. He's somewhat indecisive and not particularly willing to put himself in danger unless someone's life depended on it. Also, he likes pleasing people, and as a result can be swayed with enough persuasion (unless it puts one of his friends in danger). Also naive.

Other details: He can be a bit eccentric and odd, but always means well. He dislikes taking things seriously and will try to keep a situation light. His armor is dark purple in coloration.

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Name: dotcom

Area of Expertise: Skilled at painting up remarkably sub-par grafitti.

Mask: Kakama

Weapon/Element: Can full of really toxic spray paint. Element would be...uh. Air I would guess? Seems most appropriate.

Side: The one that won't convict him.

Motivation: Leveling up to just on-par grafitti. He searches far and wide for the ultimate techniques that will let his art achieve true mediocrity.

Fatal Flaw: Spends most of his time complaining and procrastinating and searching far and wide for the ultimate techniques instead of just practicing like he should be.

Other Dertails: Don't get him started about what stories he likes he'll bore you into a deep deep slumber and then draw a funny mustache on your face afterward.

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Name: Tomana

Area of Expertise: History of the neighboring island city, Wiki-Nui (that's a thing over here, right?)

Mask: Volitak

Weapon/Element: 3-inch knife/Iron

Side: Good

Motivation: He goes on quests to find people who can tell him more about the history of the Blue City.

Fatal Flaw: Hates meeting people, has a nearly paralyzing fear of groups (yes, guy that hates meeting people would go on a quest to meet people. perfect sense, right?)

Other details: Secondary fascination with anatomy.

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I'll throw this in. 


Name: fishers64


Area of Expertise: Greg quotes. :P Okay, more seriously, encyclopedic knowledge of characters and story. Also, logic.


Mask: Kualsi.


Weapon / Element: I'd say a fishing pole. Probably the element of ice, if I must have one.


Side: Evil.


Motivation: World domination and destruction, of course. Explosions.


Fatal Flaw: Actually likes people. Would like to avoid hurting them in quest for said world domination and destruction.


Other Details: I think that's all. Hope this actually happens and stuff. :)

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Name: Pomegranate/Pommy

Area of Expertise: Fruits! And I guess plants in general, too? Bula berries, Thornax, Madu fruit, bamboo, Voya Nui vegetation, etc. But especially edible stuff. Has good survival skills, arboreal  knowledge, scavenging.

Mask: Pakari, strength. Deep red, maybe some green accents?

Weapon / Element: Jungle/Green for element, though with deep red, pinkish accents to armor or whatever. A satchel full of explosive fruit like Madu would make for a good primary "weapon", no? Good for disorienting enemies I think (obviously just ignore that if it doesn't adhere to the setting of your story). Relies more on elemental and mask powers and throwing things from the surrounding environment than any real weapon.
Side: A force for good!

Motivation: For company! To fill out the ranks, help out however possible, see new things. Loves to travel, and a good adventure. 

Fatal Flaw: Does not think on their feet very well, can't make decisions on the fly and cannot improv. Without a plan, they'll be struggling to help out. Without being told what their role is, will flounder about trying to find out what they're supposed to be doing. Poor reflexes. Missing the big picture when thrown into a situation. Narrow focus. That sorta thing.

Other Details: Overly polite/formal, kinda quiet, enjoys snacking. Loves jokes, will always laugh at someone else's even if they're at the very edge of earshot, and occasionally tries to make puns themselves. When you get 'em talking they will talk way too much, basically the equivalent of my occasionally ginormous posts :P
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I'll throw my hat in this. :)


Name: Toa Smoke Monster. (Though I won't mind if you shorted it to just 'Smoke Monster' if that is more convenient for you.)


Area of Expertise: Weapon creation. He can create a vast amount of weapons from many different kinds of materials, whether they be from nature itself or created by other beings.


Mask: Kanohi Hau.


Element/weapon: Element will be Lightning. Weapon would be a Giant Ax. (My love for Axonn's Ax continues. :P)


Side: Since the majority of characters so far are good, he will go to the dark side. :)


Motivation: Since he is on the dark side, I will say that his motivation is to be the most powerful being in the universe.


Fatal Flaw: He can't read or write. He has a fear of being crushed by giant boulders. He also can't be around others for long peroids of time. Otherwise he will lose patience with them and try to get them to go away by any means necessary.


Other details: He wears dark green and black armor. His eyes are yellow. His body design is similar to that of the Toa Metru. 

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Name: Reznas


Area of Expertise: Stealthiness. Think ninja. :P


Mask: Miru Nuva


Weapon/Element: Reznas is a Le-Matorn, so think air element/green. He carries around a modified katana.


Side: The good side, of course! :)


Motivation: To help fellow comrades. Reznas is very loyal and would do anything for a friend.


Fatal Flaw: Sometimes is too loyal and goes in over his head. This is often pretty detrimental.


Other/details: Quiet, serious and to-the-point, Reznas rarely engages in conversation. His main goal is to get the job done, and irrelevant side chat only wastes time.



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Name: 88


Area of Expertise: Lots of (obscure) knowledge, especially in science, history, geography and Bionicle.


Mask: Kadin that looks like a Rahkshi head


Weapon/Element: 88 is a Toa of Lightning. He uses a lightweight longsword with a jagged edge.


Side: The side with the most logical argument. Which is usually the good side.


Motivation: To travel, explore and learn. 


Fatal Flaw: Waaay too literal, a bit gullible and quite annoying. Also very socially awkward, harshly critical.


Other details- 88 is a friendly dude who loves to have fun. However, he can get very serious when talking about serious matters. He is logical and critical, but easily distracted. He is very talkative.

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Name: Wrinkledlion, last name "X"


Area of Expertise: Currently a recluse/amateur woodcarver; formerly a historian before he left his academic post under questionable circumstances (he was a member of the poorly-named "SS," the Bionicle Story Squad)


Mask: Wears a grey Noble Ruru


Weapon / Element: Length of bamboo pipe / Earth, but he's a powerless Onu-Matoran who keeps having to be saved when things get out of hand


Side: Good, but very apathetic. Used to live in BZ-Koro before wandering off to live in a hut by the outskirts; now tends to forget his allegiances


Motivation: Probably nostalgia. If he had to go on a quest, he would just enjoy it for old time's sake


Fatal Flaw: Powerless, and deeply unfocused when it comes to his fellow BZ-Koronans. Forgets everyone's names, all the time


Other Details: Despite his small stature as a Matoran, others often get the sense that he's one of the bigger people in the room; even much more powerful characters will turn to him in times of danger, because his apathy and detachment allow him to keep a very cool head. Though he seems distant at times, he's got a definite love for BZ-Koro and its people, even if it's pushed way to the back of his mind. He's also got a sly, perverse sense of humor, and likes to mess with people more serious than him.

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Wow, that's a lot of entries!  Going to be an interesting story, will be fun to see how these can be split up.  Going to need some more evils, so if you want a bigger role, that's one way to do it.  :sly:


Some of the flaws might be a bit tricky to work in, but I'll try.  As for why I didn't ask for any physical description like color or whatevs, it's because I'm writing a story and tend not to focus on the character's description beyond an initial introduction, since I'm more concerned about what they're doing in my writing.  The masks need to be known for their powers, of course.  ;)


I'll leave this opened for another day, and tomorrow I'll start writing the first chapters and get things planned out.  If you want to join after that, I won't deny your character entry but they're probably going to be stuck in a secondary / cameo role. :sly:



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I'll jump in, why not.

  • Name: Zatth
  • Area of Expertise: History of the Matoran Universe
  • Mask: Summoning (I guess that makes me the Moon Moon of the MU)
  • Weapon / Element: Air Scythe. Element: Air.
  • Side: Good
  • Motivation: To learn more about the universe around him
  • Fatal Flaw: Doubtful of himself
  • Other Details: Is too happy around others, carries a knapsack that carries a lot of maps and writings.
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Name: Portalfig

Area of Expertise:  Archiver, keeping track of where all this stuff is in his massive library, I guess?

Mask: Orange Pakari

Weapon/Element: Twin Interlocking Shields/ Technically an Onu-Matoran

Side: To heck with it. Evil, I guess. Why not? xD

Motivation: Cataloging all the things possible. 

Fatal Flaw: Having a job that requires very little to do with other people, he often finds that he cannot get the ideas he has over right. Frequent misunderstands and shenanigans ensue. 

Other Details: Eyes bright red from an encounter with a Makuta in the past. Kinda slow moving. He isn't really evil, I guess, so much as other people keep him from archiving All the Things.


And with that I'll leave it to you. 

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Name: Portalfig

Area of Expertise:  Archiver, keeping track of where all this stuff is in his massive library, I guess?

Mask: Orange Pakari

Weapon/Element: Twin Interlocking Shields/ Technically an Onu-Matoran

Side: To heck with it. Evil, I guess. Why not? xD

Motivation: Cataloging all the things possible. 

Fatal Flaw: Having a job that requires very little to do with other people, he often finds that he cannot get the ideas he has over right. Frequent misunderstands and shenanigans ensue. 

Other Details: Eyes bright red from an encounter with a Makuta in the past. Kinda slow moving. He isn't really evil, I guess, so much as other people keep him from archiving All the Things.


And with that I'll leave it to you. 


An evil Archivist?

Man you must re-write so much history

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Hope it's not too late to get on board with this.



Name: Letagi

Area of Expertise: Strictly Bionicle-wise, I have an encyclopedic knowledge of the story and of collectibles, but you seem to already have a few story experts and I'm not sure how useful the latter would be. I'd like if you could make my character a scientist, to mirror my real self. Maybe a musician too?

Mask: Olmak. If that's unreasonable, make it the Kualsi. My other choice would be the Mohtrek.

Weapon/Element: Plantlife/jungle/the green for my element. As for weapon, make it a staff of some sort. If you need a better description, something made of wood and intricately carved.

Side: Good. However, I have a very strong moral compass and sense of justice, so if someone asks me to do something morally questionable, I probably won't, even if it's the "good" thing to do. This includes killing under any circumstances. That being said, I won't hesitate to enter combat if it is unavoidable.

Motivation: I have an insatiable curiosity. I would embark on a quest for the sake of adventure and discovery, or to correct an injustice.

Fatal flaw: I refuse to kill for any reason. This is potentially life-threatening in combat. A possible exception would be to save my own life, but it's not guaranteed. I'm also sometimes a little too sure of myself or overconfident.

Other details: I'm a Toa, if that wasn't already a given. Above all, I'm a scientist, and am rarely satisfied until I truly understand something. I'm constantly trying to expand my knowledge of the universe, and I like to solve problems with my mind, not with force.



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Why not...my as well just use the character I've had for basically my whole time here...with some changes due to your rules.

  • Name: Phyoohrii
  • Area of Expertise: Disk forger (though "expert" is too kind a descriptor...a low-level disk forger). Also a passion for Matoran society/culture.
  • Mask: Since Avohkii is out, then...oh let's just say Kaukau, since I can't think of any masks close to the powers I'm after (memory).
  • Weapon / Element: Two staves that channel elemental power (Sonics). Shaped like Bordakh's.
  • Side: Good at heart...which leads to the fatal flaw.
  • Motivation: Finding a purpose, while also doing what he believes to be right...which leads to the fatal flaw.
  • Fatal Flaw: Impressionable, this is what I mean by good at heart. Can be made to do bad if he is convinced it is the right thing, which can be done rather easily. 
  • Other Details: Dry sense of humour. Quite hard on himself, less so on others. Respect of others important.
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Name: Onarax

Area of Expertise: Stealth, deception, persuasion, thievery, essentially your charismatic rogue.

Mask: Whatever is handy, masks are boring. The Vortixx got it right.

Weapon/Element: Plain old pair of daggers thank you very much. Who needs fancy powers.

Side: Meh, whatever side he feels like joining. Why be binary, that's the fastest way to get bored.

Motivation: Meh, just wants to avoid getting bored. Nothing fun every came out of sitting around. 

Fatal Flaw: He feels pretty apathetic on most things, as such he's driven solely by his desire to relieve his boredom. 

Other Details: Meh, stick in whatever. He makes frequent dry and sarcastic jokes, finds people's reliance on powers amusing. Thinks the Vortixx got it right. Everything is an object for him to utilize to his amusement. 

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Might be a little late, but whatever.


Name: Constructman

Area of Expertise: miscellaneous knowledge of Kanohi, weapons, history, random Bionicle facts. Knows something of every field, but his knowledge is far from complete.

Mask: Garai

Weapon / Element: element of psionics; wields a two handed axe

Side: Evil, but disorganized

Motivation: Constructman has a great thirst for knowledge. He desires to know all the secrets of both the universe and of all the individuals that populate it.

Fatal Flaw: Constructman is psychologically compulsed to read the mind of every being he meets. This has earned him a very negative reputation as he either has no understanding of privacy or willfully ignores it in pursuit of knowledge

Other Details: fairly physically fit, not the best with his mask (tends to have no mode between "off" and "high"), gets mad very easily, at which point he goes nuts with his axe.

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  • Name: Eyru

Area of Expertise: The art of disguise. Eyru's extensive experience in the RPG forums has lent him?/her?/them? the ability to change his/her/their very identity at a whim, with such a fine degree of control that even his/her/their closest friends can be easily deceived. Because of his, no one knows Eyru's true gender, or what he/she/they really look(s) like.

Mask: Mahiki, of course. Though Eyru can disguise him/herself well enough without the mask, his/her/their mastery of the Mahiki allows for incredibly elaborate and foolproof deception.

Weapon / Element: Eyru's sole weapon is a simple staff imbued with the element of air. This tool can change shape with Eyru's appearance, and even appear to change element, but its innate powers cannot change.

Side: Eyru appears to be good, but because his/her/their true identity is such an enigma, nobody really knows. 

Motivation: Eyru loves knowledge and discovery; he/she/they would embark on a quest for the sheer thrill of adventure. His/her/their experience in RPGs has lent him/her/them a love of good stories, and adventures make good stories.

Fatal Flaw: Eyru's powers of disguise are extraordinary because he/she/they has/have the ability to become the identity he/she/they wish(es). Because of this, even Eyru does not truly know who he/she/they is/are: his/her/their inner identity is hidden even from himself/herself/themselves.

Other Details: Generally leans towards pacifism and peace.

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