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What have I been doing the past 4 years?



blog-0606581001417857323.jpgAs some of you may know, I have been on a long hiatus from BZP. I had what many would call an epiphany of sorts, and it greatly changed many aspects of my life. Since then, I began to study of things that are not found on our televisions, things like alternative energy, conspiracy, terraforming, subjects which are "Taboo" to most people.


Along my way, I found my calling in life to do something, greater than most people. An ambition for a future of enlightenment and integrity. I feel a great catalyst on this journey will be the unveiling of hidden technologies long used by our military and government, but hidden from us, the civilian people. There are amazing things out there right now, things that many of you would never believe exist in this time. One must simply break out of their everyday routines and look for them.


I have begun my own technology company, right now its very small, I am the only employee, so its about as small as you can get. However, in my studies of science and geometry, physics and metaphysics, I have been able to create a device that will eventually be capable of amplification of an electrical current from 100 percent to 1600 percent or more. This prototype I call the PEAR, or Pyramid Electricity Amplification Router. This is nearly the same thing that Nikola Tesla was working on 70 years ago, with electromagnetic induction, however his patents were bought out and hidden by wealthy corporate entities such as JP Morgan.


I feel that if you can teach people how to generate their own electricity, rather than paying for the utility, this will lead to a great leap in not only our evolution, but our consciousness as well. People will begin to think, hey, if we can power our own homes, what else can we become self sustaining with?


The videos here explain my concept. The magnets are called Neodymium sphere magnets, they are very powerful and are not toys. They have enough pull force to break fingers and destroy sensitive electrical devices if moved too closely to them. The coils seen are what are known as "rodin" coils. As seen in the videos, these coils not only produce more electricity than they consume, they also have applications for healing, cymatics, and anti gravity. Many people remain in the dark about these technologies, such as magnetic motors, plasma energy, hydrogen fuel and other reactive and renewable energies. This is by design, because now, more are becoming aware and the result is gasoline prices plummeting, which we are now seeing nationwide.


Im not sure about you people, but I want to accomplish more in my life than just having enough money to retire. I look at my lifes goals, and others, and I see a great difference. My goals are to abolish fossil fuels, debt based currency and privately owned banks, and liberate all willing people from the need for a "government", to make them truly a sovereign people. I am making it happen through education and sharing my work, and that is why I share it here now. BZP is a great window to many youthful minds, full of creativity and untainted in the indoctrination of life as we know it. They are the future and they are the audience I seek. I hope you will take the time to read this and watch these videos, as they may open your mind to a new level of thinking and consciousness, never before thought of....


Magnetic Pyramid Concept Working:


Rodin Coil Anti Gravity:

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For some reason I find this entry difficult to believe. Electricity can't be made from nothing by a magnet. That's a violation of conservation of energy.

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Like fishers said, conservation of energy cannot be violated. If you're generating more electricity than you're using, the energy has to come from somewhere. That being said, if you are in fact coming up with new applications of existing science, then that's absolutely fantastic.


As for anti-gravity - using electromagnetic fields to levitate things has nothing to do with counteracting gravity (which I'm sure you know, just thought I'd point out the misuse of terminology). Gravity can be explained either as spacetime curvature caused by the presence of massive objects (general relativity), or as an exchange of gravitons between particles that have Higgs interactions (quantum theory). Electrons have nothing to do with it.



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is it possible that the camera cuts out because you are holding it very close to magnets that you yourself state can greatly interfere with electronic devices?


- Indigo Individual

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is it possible that the camera cuts out because you are holding it very close to magnets that you yourself state can greatly interfere with electronic devices?


- Indigo Individual


I am not sure why the camera cut out, it was not very close to the magnets.  Odd.



For some reason I find this entry difficult to believe. Electricity can't be made from nothing by a magnet. That's a violation of conservation of energy.


The laws of physics are changing rapidly each day now.  What many long thought was impossible, is happening.  This is how metaphysics is applied.  And actually, electricity can, by simply running a magnet over copper wire, you can create an electrical current.


Still having doubts?  Let me link you to a few more eye opening videos...


Acoustic Levitation:



Quantum Lock Levitation via superconduction:



Bedini Motor Perpetual Energy:



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And actually, electricity can, by simply running a magnet over copper wire, you can create an electrical current.

Yes, that is electromagnetic induction. The amount of electricity you get out of it is going to be limited by the work you put in to move the magnet. The energy still has to come from somewhere.
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None of those links are particularly eye-opening; they are all neat applications of existing science that has been known for decades. None of them violate conservation of energy or momentum, even superconductivity and superfluidity.


Also, the laws of physics do not change; if you meant that our understanding of them changes, then yes, absolutely. But conservation of energy and of momentum are laws written into the fabric of existence; even the vacuum energy, which involves virtual particle-antiparticle pairs spontaneously popping into existence and then self-annihilating, does not violate conservation of energy.



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All this said, if you do manage to find some way of getting around well-proven physical laws, you're going to make a ton of money.

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