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Hey look what I found





So I went to do some Hanukkah shopping, and while browsing the toy section, I ran across this guy. He was the only Bionice I could find out, so I tracked down a sales guy and asked if he could tell me if there were others out. As some might recall, I was originally really down on the new sets, so I was hoping there would be some on-display somewhere. That, and Tahu was my first Bionicle, I wanted him more than Lewa. Apparently these aren't supposed to come out until January, and someone put it out by mistake. The sales guy, being awesome, let me keep it rather than taking it into the back, so I decided to buy myself a gift, too.


How do you submit reviews again?

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The BIONICLE set reviews that become front-page news are all done by BZPower staff. I don't know what the rules are about posting reviews in the forums (you might be supposed to put it as a post in the main BIONICLE 2015 topic, or maybe you're allowed to make your own topic in the BIONICLE discussion forum), but I actually think the best place to put a review of this set is probably your blog, since you do in fact have one.

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The BIONICLE set reviews that become front-page news are all done by BZPower staff. I don't know what the rules are about posting reviews in the forums (you might be supposed to put it as a post in the main BIONICLE 2015 topic, or maybe you're allowed to make your own topic in the BIONICLE discussion forum), but I actually think the best place to put a review of this set is probably your blog, since you do in fact have one.

I would think that he could post his own review topic for the set in the Bionicle Discussion Forum. I've seen people post set review topics in the Lego Discussion Forum, so I would think he could do the same in the Bionicle one.


Anyways, congrats on finding this set! B-)

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Gaahh, that's incredible! I desperately want to run out and get the Toa the second they hit my stores but I need to save all my money for a holiday trip and it's torture ;~; 

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The BIONICLE set reviews that become front-page news are all done by BZPower staff. I don't know what the rules are about posting reviews in the forums (you might be supposed to put it as a post in the main BIONICLE 2015 topic, or maybe you're allowed to make your own topic in the BIONICLE discussion forum), but I actually think the best place to put a review of this set is probably your blog, since you do in fact have one.




The BIONICLE set reviews that become front-page news are all done by BZPower staff. I don't know what the rules are about posting reviews in the forums (you might be supposed to put it as a post in the main BIONICLE 2015 topic, or maybe you're allowed to make your own topic in the BIONICLE discussion forum), but I actually think the best place to put a review of this set is probably your blog, since you do in fact have one.

I would think that he could post his own review topic for the set in the Bionicle Discussion Forum. I've seen people post set review topics in the Lego Discussion Forum, so I would think he could do the same in the Bionicle one.


Anyways, congrats on finding this set! B-)



Question: Can I post a review thread there, then copy and paste the exact same review into here?

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Yes. Copying forum stuff in your blog is allowed.


That moment when someone gets the best Toa ever and wants Tahu instead.

That's Lewa up there, not Kopaka.


Fixed. :P

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