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A Christmas Gift for BZPers



First off: Merry Christmas, or otherwise good December 25th!


Inspired by something off-site, I am doing what is probably a bad idea given my schedule and offering to write drabbles for people! Leave a prompt in the comments (or over PM if you prefer anonymity) and at some point in the semi-near future I'll write a (probably very) short story based off it. I'll leave requests open for about 36 hours (until the end of the 26th). I haven't decided how exactly I'm going to post these yet - probably just blog entries, but it depends on what requests I get and how long they end up being.


Go nuts! (But maybe not too nuts.)


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Shovel Knight, Shantae, and Mighty No. 9/Beck all get in a bar (that sells something kid friendly!) and discuss having awesome kickstarter runs together.


I'm assuming this doesn't need to be related to bonkles so I'm gonna put what I've always wanted to see written down here. =P

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The crew behind the film Being John Malkovich struggle to make its script work after contractual obligations of USA Films/Focus Features force them to have to cast Prince in it in a starring role, as himself, and use only his music as the soundtrack.

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Assuming this isn't too late ...
Sentient farm animals gather together to overthrow the leadership of a tyrannical coffee mug. Along the way they must uncover the truth about "in-character trail snail activity."

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