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Ask Me Anything

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Realized I hadn't done one of these in a while.


So, yeah, literally any topic is on the table (within bzp rules of course).


Just know that while my username is currently Nigel Thornberry, my actual understanding of zoology is rather limited. XP

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How do you feel about misleading literally several people regarding the scope of your knowledge of zoology by falsely adopting the name of a most respectable man?


You are walking through a park when you suddenly hear a satisfying crunch under your feet. (you were wearing big ol metal boots because of reasons) You look down and see a crushed 2x2 brick. Looking closer, you find it to be wearing a tiny little name tag. "Samantha." At last, your quarry has been found, yet you have already destroyed it. What do you do?

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If you could be anyone/anything for a day, who/what would you be?


What is your favourite food?


How many languages do you speak?

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What is the location of a 2x2 LEGO brick that goes by the name Samantha?


(Oh come on you knew it was coming.)

I got a letter from Samantha, actually. She's apparently gone backpacking through the Atlantic Ocean to find herself. So... that's a thing.


What is your name? What is your quest? What is your favorite color?

Sir Fumptlebumper Stalgerbert.

I desire all of the grail and doesn't afraid of anything.

Don't make me play favorites with my children.


Did I ask you about playing chess in your last AMA blog entry?


Do you play chess?

Not sure if you did. I have played chess, however it's been a while. I don't know too many strategies, but I do remember how all of the pieces move. My last match was with my brother some time ago. I won. Before that I faced my cat. I think we called it a draw.


Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup?

Oh geez, I love all of these starters... I think I'd go with turtwig because I have so many other water and fire starters raised.


Where are the fillings?? :music:

I ate them. I ate all of them.



Pfft. Like I'd tell you. I bet you don't even own a sombrero!


If you could be anyone/anything for a day, who/what would you be?


What is your favourite food?


How many languages do you speak?

I think I'd be a bird of some sort. Maybe a raven or a seagull. Owls are cool as are hawks. Flying sounds nifty. ^^


Freshly baked bread still hot from the oven is probably one of the best things ever. I also like French Buttercream that I've made before. Super decedent.


My first language is English. I still don't know how it works, honestly. I studied Spanish for a little over three years, but by now most of it is forgotten. I have also picked up a few Japenese words from being weeaboo trash and watching subbed anime instead of the dub.

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If you were given the opportunity to travel back to any time in your life, essentially given a do-over, would you do it? If so, what time would you go back to?


Did I ever ask you what your favorite Andersen story is? What's your favorite Andersen story?


Favorite season. What and why?


You've been Toph, Nigel, and (I think) a character from a game. What's your next identity?


Are you an outdoorsy person? Do you like camping? Have I already asked you this? (I think so.)


Do you wish you knew more about zoology?


What's your favorite time period to research, if any?


Favorite baked good to eat? Oh you answered that above. How about to make?


Speaking of which, what got you into the cuilinary arts?


Should I do an AMA?

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If you were given the opportunity to travel back to any time in your life, essentially given a do-over, would you do it? If so, what time would you go back to?
I honestly have no idea. I had this tendency to look back on my life a lot and wish I could change a lot of things during my middle school and high school days. I'd try and be less anxious, I wouldn't have over-thought literally everything, I would have put more effort into being happy. Had I known then what I know now, I think maybe things could be very different for me, for better or worse. But would I really go back to a time where I was constantly miserable and second guessing every aspect of my life? I'm honestly not sure if I would want to relive that. 


Did I ever ask you what your favorite Andersen story is? What's your favorite Andersen story?
The Little Mermaid has always had this enchantment to it that drew me in. Maybe it was the comparison and imagery in an underwater kingdom (the way her garden glowed like the sun, or how merfolk could not cry and therefore felt greater pain, etc) that really stuck with me. The ending to that story really showed how much Andersen believed in the good in people, and I honestly think that's incredible. 


Favorite season. What and why?
I love every season for different reasons, however I've long thought of winter as my favorite. Being able to see everything calmed and quiet is very serene. A few friends and I recently went to Lake Eerie which is still frozen over. Normally there's a lot of wind and the noise of the waves. Seeing it so quiet and still is an impossible sight at any other time of year. 


You've been Toph, Nigel, and (I think) a character from a game. What's your next identity?
Another game character. A group of members and I will be donning the personas of characters from Bravely Second; a sequel to Bravely Default. My character is the one with the sweet hairdo. 


Are you an outdoorsy person? Do you like camping? Have I already asked you this? (I think so.)
I do enjoy walks outside, however I'm normally a shut-in out of habit. I will say mosquitos are my least favorite animal. And yes, I think you have asked me this before. XD 


Do you wish you knew more about zoology?
Actually, I do. I was always interested in animals as a kid, but I was a poor student. I remember being interested in Honors Bio in high school, though dissection did make me queasy.  


What's your favorite time period to research, if any?
Hmm, interesting question. I'm not much of a history buff to be honest. I more so just look up what happens to interest me. 


Favorite baked good to eat? Oh you answered that above. How about to make?
I do enjoy tempering as a method for baking. Something about it just feels rewarding be it chocolate or pastry cream.  


Speaking of which, what got you into the cuilinary arts?
Admittedly it was a rushed decision. I was a senior in high school, I was super anxious about my future, and I knew I didn't want to go to a four year college totally undecided. I knew myself, and I didn't want to wind up with something totally pointless for a degree. I knew I was more of a kinetic learner, and I had made gingerbread houses at home for the holidays. So, I decided to try my luck at applying for culinary school. I went into baking because it required more patience and seemed a bit more easy going than cooking.And honestly it's something I enjoy more than a desk job, even if the industry is weird. 


Should I do an AMA?
I don't see why not.


Do YOU own a Sombrero?
That information is classified.
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Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


Are you space? How many space?


Can I use this question to congratulate you on finding a profession that you enjoy and say that I admire you for it?

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Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

I think that depends if that person does to like more do look if they really even go want decided.

Are you space? How many space?

No. All many space.

Can I use this question to congratulate you on finding a profession that you enjoy and say that I admire you for it?

I will allow this. Also thanks! Though admittedly it is a goofy industry to get into. XD. (Then again, what isn't?)
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I've asked this question many a time. Why are we here? Why is anything here? Is Earth the only planet with life or are there others out there separated by a sea of nothing? Is this universe even real? Am I even who I think I am or am I merely being controlled by a higher being beyond my comprehension who is using this vessel in a similar way I control an avatar in a video game? For that matter, is free will even possible, or is my brain designed in a way that ultimately my decisions are made before I am aware of the choice? Would that make a moral code to adhere to moot, or is there truly a perfect set of values to follow? Is such a system even possible in a world that is often so complex and cruel? I like to try and think logically and objectively about things, but is that truly possible when I am subject to personal bias out of my nature?


I dunno man, but it would probably make for a decent sci fi book.

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If you could design a videogame starring yourself what would the plot and gameplay be like?

It would be an exploration RPG where you travel down a hallway. Each door opens to a pocket dimension of fantastical sights and characters (some are animals, others are personified objects and even personified ideas that the player can interact with). The player battles bosses which are the inner demons of my mind, and after each boss is defeated, more doors open. Eventually the true self hiding underneath is revealed and set free.

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If you could design a videogame starring yourself what would the plot and gameplay be like?

It would be an exploration RPG where you travel down a hallway. Each door opens to a pocket dimension of fantastical sights and characters (some are animals, others are personified objects and even personified ideas that the player can interact with). The player battles bosses which are the inner demons of my mind, and after each boss is defeated, more doors open. Eventually the true self hiding underneath is revealed and set free.



Do that


Join a game company and do that


I will buy ten copies

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