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Ask a Bohrok

Pahrak Model ZX


I like to join in popular trends sometimes


So feel free to ask me questions if you want


That also applies to after this entry falls onto that mythical second page no one’s ever read, feel free to ask me weird stuff using whatever channels you like, I can make myself approachable probably


But don’t ask me to choose between things because I’m super indecisive okay


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What is the location of a 2x2 LEGO brick named Samantha?


She is a client of the Bohrok Cleaning Service but I’m afraid details like her address are confidential.




Would you rather be more decisive or remain indecisive?


It would probably benefit me to become decisive.  I think.  Maybe.




Favorite mythological creature?


A good dragon is always cool.  Lately I’ve had interest in tengu and tsukumogami, but I don’t know if I really have a favorite per se.



Favorite game?


Mmmmm, this one is tough because when I find a game I like I really get into it, so I love a lot of them a lot.  The World Ends With You is definitely a strong candidate for being unique and creative, and the Pokémon and Kingdom Hearts series are both really important to me.  I’m also a big fan of Mega Man Star Force, and of course Bravely Default is a recent favorite…the list really goes on, this is one of those situations where I see why choosing is bad.


What's the worst thing you ever cleaned off Mata Nui's face? 


That Energized Protodermis really generates some weird landscapes sometimes; a few thousand years ago we wound up with a half-submerged casino and it attracted a horde of scam artist mermaids who had to be asked to leave.  Even after they left, the place was a complete mess and stunk like fish for a century.




Top three flow its of ice cream?


No, ice is fifteen Colorado.

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Depends on the context.  It's basically the same thing as Pokemon talk, so really it can mean absolutely anything depending on the situation and body language.  Needless to say there's a lot of miscommunication.  The Bahrag and Krana Za are constantly needed to sort these things out, though we're also looking into teaching sign language or just equipping all Bohrok with a messaging system.  We're still picking out which emotes will come pre-installed.

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So, my question was actually supposed to be "Top three flavors of ice cream?"


But autocorrect happened.




Top three flavors of Ice Cream?

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How does toast?

First, sword is existential, then, au revoir.


do you dream about farm animals

I have dreamt about Pokemon based on farm animals


So, my question was actually supposed to be "Top three flavors of ice cream?"


But autocorrect happened.




Top three flavors of Ice Cream?


Chocolate, cookies and cream, and chocolate cookies and cream

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I ask you to choose between things because your super indecisive.

Which fruit is better?




Dragon Fruit




Pina Colada

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Do you know the name of the man who created the evil that goes by the name of pie?

You dare to call pie evil?!  The Bahrag shall hear of this!


What was being an Av-Matoran like?  Did you know Takua?  Can you get me his autograph?

Most Bohrok don't really remember much about their previous life.  I have encountered Takua since becoming a Bohrok, but whenever I approach him or Matoran or Toa they generally try to attack me, so...the autograph thing might be difficult.


I ask you to choose between things because your super indecisive.

Which fruit is better?




Dragon Fruit




Pina Colada



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How does toast?

First, sword is existential, then, au revoir.


An excellent response. But then one must ask, how does the mace know to go moo?

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