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The Results



^Look up there^.


I feel no regret, I actually went through with it. It won six-five. By one vote!


You made this happen, so if anyone complains people wanted it to happen.


Well, I wanted a ridiculous name and I got one. This reminds of the time people lost the ability to spell entirely on a forum elsewhere on the internet. Where vowels were disregarded and it ended up looking an awful lot like written welsh, apart from having no Ys so not really looking like welsh at all. Still, the point was people lost the ability to spell basic words and seemed to only communicate in barely understandable phrases that only barely looked like what they would have said had people not lost the ability to spell. There was also the time that we had a spammer come and misspell everything. As in words, not as in the word 'everything'. Barely understandable, and I don't think some of those 'words' were even words. Couldn't really parse what they were trying to say. Then again, they were a spammer. They don't usually have stuff worth saying other than important messages about whether or not they're hungry and commenting on things completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.


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gosh darn it


one day pulse


one day you will be known as selup or lepus or any other form of misspelled Pulse


and when that day comes, oh, ho! when that day comes there will be much rejoicing and dancing in the streets.

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gosh darn it


one day pulse


one day you will be known as selup or lepus or any other form of misspelled Pulse


and when that day comes, oh, ho! when that day comes there will be much rejoicing and dancing in the streets.


This almost reads like the birth of another prophecy if one was just fulfilled

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