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SHIP it up, you know you should. So SHIP it!


This is my third year "competing" in SHIPtember, where you build a SHIP (Seriously Huge Investment in Parts Spaceship) which has to be over 100 studs long. So I made not one, not two, but THREE of them. (Sure, they barely reach the limit, are generally narrow, and won't win any competition... but hey they're complete, as far as I'm concerned, so that's a plus.)




The Jade Spear: Basically an attempt to build a ship around the Ninjago spinner. It's pretty much entirely green, thanks to me buying a bunch of pieces from pic-a-brick. I made nice use of a brick separator tho.




The Lavender-Freighter: I wanted to build a SHIP in medium lavender, but didn't really have the parts. So I stocked up on the color this summer and finally got to work on this... and still had to make a few last minute orders to get it ready. It's heavy and fragile too. But hopefully it'll stand out.



Bulk's Silver Blade Ship: Every time I've done this contest, I thought it would be neat to make a purely Bionicle SHIP, especially since I have so many long, silver pieces. So this year I finally went through with this. (I mean, it turns out that while I have a LOT of silver weapons, I only have a few in bulk, most are just two-offs.) The final form is still a bit messy, but I streamlined it a bit compared to earlier. This thing is also fairly sturdy, made up of Bionicle and technic bits primarily. So obviously my first thought is that this thing could survive a throw, which I plan to do at least once at BrickCon. (Most SHIP builders seem to cringe at even moving their ships for fear of wrecking them. Ima gonna throw this one to show that Bionicle builds can be DURABLE! Unless it really snaps when it hits the ground, then I'll be all sadface.)


Anyway, that's it for MOCs. I might make a few more small ones, but now I need to sort my collection back into the various bins, because it's looking like I'll be moving next month... again. Cursed rent increases. :glare:





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Three SHIPs and the month isn't even over yet!


I especially love the Bionicle SHIP, because it's such a great idea. And it works! (Good luck throwing it.)



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