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Secret Santa Gift-Hint Entry!

Inferna Firesword


Alright, so Ehksidian and I both thought that we might want to provide hints to the others partaking in the Secret Santa event. During a SS that my workplace had, my boss put up a sheet with our names on it, and we were to write down what we liked so whoever got our names would have an idea of what they'd like to get.


Now, we have profile pages here, and records of our posts/topics, but that only goes so far, especially for those that haven't been here very long. Hence, this post.


Here, those participating can mention what our interests are, and what (if anything) we're doing on the forums these days. That way, those that don't know each other very well can get a point to start from.


I guess I'll start.


Interests: Video games (Destiny, Hearthstone, Dishonored, Pokémon ... there's a list on my profile), writing (my victim will likely get a Short Story of some kind), trying to learn how to draw (I -love- seeing fanart of my characters)

Currently working on: Reborn


Those interested should post below. Any hints as to whose name you were given shall be smote with the Banhammer edited with the Almighty Editing Tool. =P


EDIT (12/5/15): Adding to my list for greater detail and fixing errors.

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Me gusta:  Writing, programming, games (Pokemon, Quake 2 and Myst are my faves), theater

Lots of books.  A Wrinkle in Time.  The Giver.  The Maze Runner.  Ray Bradbury.  The Blood Ship.

And Bionicle.  Duh.  Particularly Nui-Jagas and that strange phenomenon known as humanization.


Working on: Not having my life and soul sucked into schoolwork--oh, besides that.  Okay.

Writing a book set in a video-game world

Programming this

Making Christmas presents

This thingus

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Interests: LotR, Star Wars, Shannara, Marvel, DC (mostly Batman), Doctor Who, reading, MOCing.


Currently working on: Comics, comedies, art, and leading the Kanohi Force

Um, I fail to see how "leading the KF" will affect your gift-giving, Shadow.

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Interests: Marvel, DC (Batman solely), Dr.Who, Star Wars, Bonkles, reading, Stop-Motion, The Elder Scrolls, Assassin's Creed, History (1300's-1900's), Predator films, music, fishing, archery & shooting sports, programming, freerunning, outdoor-sy stuff, Halo, and drop kicking cute furry animals writing.


Other: I'm a non-denominational sprit-filled Christian.


What am I doing? Trying not to drown in homework while I prep for exams.

Slacking off while preparing for said exams.


Formulating a story to write.

Writing a plot for a stop-motion film.


Not much else than clearing out all achivements for games I haven't completed in my Steam library.

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Interests: Gaming(Xenoblade, Monster Hunter, Mega Man, Pokemon, all that fun stuff), Anime(tons of things, but special shout outs to Gatchaman and JoJo right now, and Code Geass), music...


Not really sure exactly what else to put, my stuff of all of it is probably a lot easier, because of the interests thing on my profile. ^^'


In terms of working on stuff, I'm not really... working on things, aside from RotR and such, and one thing that keeps stalling out because I'm horrible at spriting and such.

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So Here are My interests.


I love Marvel stuff, especially Iron Man. Of course I like bionicle, mainly for building with. I never stuck to the story extremely closely.


Within LEGO: I collect transparent pieces, it's sort of an obsession, and it also has story relevance pertaining to my Self Moc. Refer to my Flickr.




I really enjoy sci-if stories and art depicting that sort of futuristic style.


I also build props and costumes, well, at least I try to. This is something most people don't know about me. I have some plans for an Iron man suit as well as the T.O.A unit suit that was featured within this year.


(I really do have a lot of hobbies that take up a ton of time)


I have never had someone build my Selfmoc to their best ability, so that would be pretty cool.


Working on: A large black moc with tons of CCBS shells.

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I'll keep this short :P

Interests: Video games, Lego (obviously), digital art, cartoon/anime, robotics, space travel

Working on: a silly game project with friends, some smaller digital art projects 

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History documentaries, particularly surrounding Central Asia and former Persian territories. 


2007 Bionicle

Soviet-era orchestral and choir music


Currently working on: My comic series, The Partisans 

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Eh.. Sure why not?! :P


Intrests: Bionicle, Pokémon, Transformers, Halo, RvB, really tech-y stuff, Gmod, things like that


Currently working on: A prototype of a video game, The Life of Toa Geha, a new sprite comic series, A Mix Between Worlds, many, many more to come

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