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Bionicle 2016 Mosaic: Ideas?



So, like, for real this time.


Hey folks, I think it's time we start planning for a BZPower Bionicle 2016 Mosaic that can grace the various conventions. To start out with, let's finalize an idea.


I'm thinking that the best idea is to utilize images from the comics that come with the 2016 sets. The best images to use, IMO, would be the Uniter images of the Toa and Creature combinations. Each comic has a straight-on image of the Uniter character, which would be easy to mosaic-fy. Still, we would need to select which one. Gali, Lewa, and Tahu would be some of the more colorful choices, but we could do any of the six, depending on what colors people would want to contribute more of. (FYI, gold would probably be portrayed by yellow.) However, there's also potential to do Umarak the Hunter. He seems to be the best model out of the bunch, and it would be a first for us to show off a villain rather than a Toa. Thoughts?


Size-wise, I would aim for a 3x3 mosaic, so we would need 9 contributors of 32x32 baseplates. I could maybe build half of it, depending on what design we go with, but the more the merrier. If there's enough interest we could attempt a 3x4, which we pulled off last year, even if there were some stability issues at a few conventions.


Speaking of conventions, I would ideally like to have this ready by BricksCascade. But I keep forgetting that cascade is at the end of February instead of mid-March, so that may be pushing it. Otherwise, we could aim for BrickUniverse Raleigh in April. Ideally, I'd like to see this mosaic make the rounds with the BZP MOCs, making it to the BrickFairs and such, but members would have to be willing to contribute for shipping. (I paid entirely last year and it ended up being expensive.)


But of course, I also have incentive to join this year:




I got a bunch of engraved bricks done this year and handed em out to everybody who participated on the Gali Masters Mosaic. But I have plenty of leftovers to anybody willing to ship in a mosaic baseplate again this year.


So let me know if you'd be interested in participating and what design you would like to use.


To get an idea of what we've done in the past, here is Bionicle Collaborative Mosaics: A History.



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Do an ancient Greek-style mosaic where the Toa are represented like Olympian gods.

Good idea, oh great SPIRIT.


Except for the part where we'd need an image to do that with :P

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Umarak sounds like a cool idea. I'm also still in favor of a Rahkshi as we talked about way way way back.


I'll commit to doing a tile. Maybe two if we're desperate.



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Will there be bricks for each mosaic, too? I like my little Gali Masters Mosaic swag brick.


Surprisingly, some of the non-Bionicle mosaic builders at BrickCon came up to me based on seeing those bricks on my badge...it's a good conversation starter.

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