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Saw Star Wars a Second Time

Zox Tomana


Regarding concerns I talked about in a previous entry: I'm now more okay with Finn's initial arc from Stormtrooper to good guy, still iffy on Kylo Ren's backstory and how all that may have played out, and still think Rey should be dead by the end of the movie.




I maintain everything I said about the fall of Ben Solo from my earlier post.


Regarding Rey vs. Kylo, I have heard a fairly convincing statement made about how Kylo is not only weakened by his injury from Chewbacca, but also likely doesn't have his head quite in the fight because HE JUST KILLED HIS FATHER NOT TWO MINUTES AGO. But I still maintain that his medium proficiency with physical application of the force and some middling level of training with his lightsaber, he should still be able to overpower Rey. He could have easily overpowered by her and Finn by simply restraining them and doing that thing he did earlier in the movie to knock Rey out (but doing it to them both). He even Force pushed Rey just before the fight started. He wants that lightsaber? Right? Well why not use such tactics against Finn? Only the plot kept them alive, really.




But the movie is still pretty good. Still recommend it.


With that said, what do I want for dinner tomorrow?


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With that said, what do I want for dinner tomorrow?


Instant bread just add water


Oh my gosh, that was the best part of the movie.


Last time I mentioned not baking bread from scratch, you got mad at me and said I was lazy >:C

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I think you're dramatically underestimating Rey's force powers. Yes, Kylo Ren had been able to freeze Rey in place and knock her out earlier in the movie. However, when he attempted to read Rey's mind later on Starkiller Base, she was able to not only guard her own thoughts but brute force her way into Kylo Ren's own head (keep in mind this was before he was wounded and before he'd killed his own father). Similarly, when Kylo Ren attempted to summon Luke's lightsaber after defeating Finn, Rey was able to again overpower him and draw the lightsaber to her instead. In his distraught state I have little doubt that if Kylo Ren had attempted to rely more on the Force in the battle, Rey would have been able to similarly turn it against him.


Also, even setting aside issues of force power, lightsaber proficiency, or injury, Kylo Ren's battered mental and emotional state at that point in the movie would likely have impacted his ability to make good decisions. In that sense, even if he could have won the battle by making better tactical choices, that's not to say he would have. It's not just a matter of plot convenience—the movie up to that point had basically given Finn and Rey every possible handicap they would have needed to emerge victorious.


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Regarding her abilities in the force, that's part of what I feel is unearned in that fight =/ I'll give her the mental resistance. If she's strong in the force, perhaps she was able to recognize when she was being probed and use that feeling to resist and reverse the probe. But that was sheer brute force, and sheer instinct at that. Considering that, I don't see how she made the leap from that to "hey, I can make objects jump into my hands!" especially when she hadn't even seen it done till then. She may have heard about it in a story, but that doesn't mean she knows what it is to actually use that power. Luke was at least partially informed about his powers and he still had issues making that same saber jump to him in ESB. You might say "she was emotionally charged and that made her powerful enough to just do it," I would counter that Kylo Ren was also emotionally charged. He said in that same scene "That lightsaber is mine!" Both of them wanted that lightsaber, but Rey gets to have it because....? She's got nascent super force power? Outside of one, single statement about how to feel the force, she is stunningly untrained using her powers. So why is she so great with them after one movie?



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Not too long ago I discussed on someone else's blog the theory that Rey might be Luke's daughter, and I thought that if it were the case, the reason why he left her to live a rough life on Jakku was so that she would grow up to be both strong and humble, making her less likely to turn to the Dark Side. Luke, after all, is likely having confidence issues after Kylo Ren's conversion to the Dark Side, so he didn't trust himself to raise Rey.

Regardless if Rey is Luke's daughter or not, I believe that her upbringing on Jakku--learning to survive by herself and whatnot--gave her enough mental training to allow her to quickly get a handle of her powers.
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