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What is the location of a 2x2 Lego brick named Samantha?


How can I retrieve Sir Quackers?


It's hanging out with Carmen Sandiego and Waldo.


You need to find him first.



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What's the best helicopter currently in use by the U.S. Armed Forces?


Do you prefer rifles or shotguns?


Have you ever deep-fried a banana?


What is the difference between a duck?


What would you do with 500 gallons of kerosene?


Do you iron your socks?


How many muffins can you eat in one sitting?


Can you fly a helicopter?


Is grilling salad a good idea?


What's the most snow you've ever seen a single storm create?


If you could set one-third of the moon on fire, would you? And which third would you pick?




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Do you prefer night or day?


Hot or cold weather?


What's your favorite movie?


Night time. I get more work done at night than during the day. It's also more peaceful.


Cold weather. It makes me feel more alive while warm weather makes me feel sluggish.


My favorite movie is "Up" by Pixar. I thought it was clever and full of adventure.



What's the best helicopter currently in use by the U.S. Armed Forces?


Do you prefer rifles or shotguns?


Have you ever deep-fried a banana?


What is the difference between a duck?


What would you do with 500 gallons of kerosene?


Do you iron your socks?


How many muffins can you eat in one sitting?


Can you fly a helicopter?


Is grilling salad a good idea?


What's the most snow you've ever seen a single storm create?


If you could set one-third of the moon on fire, would you? And which third would you pick?





The only helicopter I know by name is the Apache. That's my guess.


Rifles are more interesting to me.


I can honestly say no, the thought hasn't come up.


Difference implies two things but you only mentioned the duck. What am I comparing it to?


Probably sell it. I have no purpose for it.




Very few. I don't normally eat muffins and I'm not an overt fan of pastries in general.


In a video game? Yes. In real life? No. I would imagine that it wouldn't be hard to start. Once you're on the ground all you're doing is just pressing buttons until it eventually lifts off. Landing is the hardest part of flying.


I wouldn't think so. Not everything needs to be grilled for the sake of being grilled.


I think it was about 6 inches of snow. Was last year.


With no repercussions, probably just to do it. Wouldn't really be damaging it and the fire I would imagine would quickly dissipate. I would burn the dark side of the moon.



Do you know what's worth fighting for?


When it's not worth dying for?


Money was the immediate thing to come to mind. This mainly applies if you are the one who initiated the fight, in which case the fight is fueled by greed. I would imagine the 7 deadly sins would apply to this question very well.



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>ctrl + f

>"farm animals"

>"Phrase not found"

>trash thread


Just tell me if you dream about them so I can blow this popsicle stand


*Snaps fingers*

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>ctrl + f

>"farm animals"

>"Phrase not found"

>trash thread


Just tell me if you dream about them so I can blow this popsicle stand


*Snaps fingers*


I can honestly say I don't dream about farm animals. Never have. Sorry to disappoint, colonel.



Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup?


Chimchar all the way. I have an affinity for fire starters. 




How many hats?

Why so many hats?

Pony hats?

BrickFair hats?

How often do you dream about farm animals?



I have about 4.

People like to buy me hats for christmas.

No pony hats or masks.

None of those as well.

Never have.



Do you like music? If you do, what kind of music do you like? 


Indeed I do. This is a harder question as I'm not too literate in musical terms so I'll go with what I basically know.


Instrumental music is a personal favorite. It helps me to think clearly and it gets me into certain moods that are helpful for writing stories.


Rock music is something else I listen to, mainly when I'm doing art. Art requires less thinking so it's easier to focus on the lyrics.


Acoustic music is also nice to listen to. I listen to much less of it though in comparison to other types of music.


Orchestral music is something I have to get into the mood to listen to. Once I'm in the mood though I can play it all day. 



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Favorite video game?


If you lived in a fictional world, which one would you want to live in?


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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Favorite video game?


If you lived in a fictional world, which one would you want to live in?


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


That's very tough… I don't think I have a single favorite so I'll go with my favorite series being the Legend of Zelda.


A fictional world full of pirates, magic and lore.


About 700lbs. 



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Do you know the name of the man that created the evil that goes by the name of pie?


I would assume it's pie.



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A fictional world full of pirates, magic and lore.



So...One Piece?



It's similar in nature but not exactly what I'm going for. 

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