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I'm getting out of here



Yes, you read the blog entry title right. I'm quitting BZPower.


Go and yell WHYYYYYYYY!!! at me and scream your heads off now. Let the panic wash over you like a big bucket of ice water.


Now let me reassure you, please, I shall not just cut and leave all of the loose ends to rot like a dead tree like some other people I happen to know. That is a terrible thing to do, and I shall not do it. Before I leave, I will do the following things:


1. The Categorical GregF Reference will be finished.

2. Mafia XXIX will run.

3. Tales of Externix will be finished.

4. The contest I started will be finished, judged, and shipped as expected.

5. The HF RPG will be resolved, minimized, or handed off. I will be running Mission #4 as normal, and I want the players who want to continue it to be able to continue it. I expect that it will take a considerable amount of time before I can pull myself out of it (several months)


There is a few other private things and minor details I will be attending to. What you will see change immediately is that I will stop doing things that are NOT related to 1-5 above, and I'm asking that you should not pressure me to take on more of them. I know that some of you make it a practice of not listening, but now is not the time to use that skill.


If there is something legitimate that I forgot about, however, do bring it up.


* * *


Some of you might be wondering why.


The reason why has nothing to do with life or the demands of college work or any of that nonsense. I refuse to blame external circumstances for my problems. I always found that to be pathetic - you make time for what is important to you. You use the time you have for what is important to you. In fact, I could indeed balance college and BZPower easily enough - I have done so easily for the past 3-4 years.


What I have found is that there are things more important to me than BZPower. In fact, I have found that BZPower is now at odds with my purpose in life and existence. (Some fools would call that an existential crisis - I think that too is the wrong definition. An existential crisis is when you discover your life has no meaning and you try to patch it. I have always known that my life has meaning, so need for that. What changed was understanding what the meaning is. The question "What is the meaning of life?" has a different meaning for each person. :P)


This was not a change in me as much as a change in BZPower. I didn't change to not fit BZPower; BZPower has changed so it no longer fits me. I don't blame BZPower or anything, or even the people who left to make it this way. I'm going to miss some friends anyway, who didn't leave.


But I can't sit here and watch my more important projects go by the wayside and watch my life slowly drain away. As old Vakama said, it is time to move on. Or, you know, whoever said it.

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Well you will be missed surely, but it is quite understandable. There are roads to travel, flowers to smell, sights to see, and a life to live. I'll probably be having to do the same thing eventually. I have to say thanks for not just dropping us dead immediately, as you very well could. :) Be sure to tell us when you area actually going to leave, I want to have my part in thine farewell.


And Mata Nui said that. :P


EDIT: Is it okay if I ask what changed on BZPower to bring this no-doubt long pondered decision to an ultimatum?

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While I'm sad to be seeing BZPower losing long-time members and all, I do appreciate that you're not just up and leaving without resolving all your loose ends. It might be a small thing to say, but HF RPG was my first RPG and it's been a really, really good foray into the games, and I've met good friends there and I suppose it means a lot to not get a sudden, slapped-on end to it. So thank you.


I might not fully understand your reason for leaving, but I do hope that you have a great time with whatever it is you're doing outside BZPower. Maybe, when you do leave, we can get SPIRIT to sing another Adele song on your departure.

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:( My friend....


I definitely understand the sentiment of there not being a fit. I'm still here out of habit and a sense of connection to the site. I don't think it is hard to see that I mainly lurk. I don't feel I fit into any particular part of the site, myself. At this point the only reason I'm here is that I just don't want to leave :P


But it is sad to know you're going, though it is nice to know that the CatGregFRef will finally be finished ;)

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Nothing wrong with moving on to other interests and endeavors. You will be missed, though! Best of luck wherever the future takes you! And I hope someday you might decide to check back here briefly just to see how things have been going in your absence. :)

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While I'm sad to be Maybe, when you do leave, we can get SPIRIT to sing another Adele song on your departure.

Hello from the other site

I must've trolled a thousand times

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I might not fully understand your reason for leaving, but I do hope that you have a great time with whatever it is you're doing outside BZPower. Maybe, when you do leave, we can get SPIRIT to sing another Adele song on your departure.

Since I actually remember SPIRIT's voice acting talents, I would actually pay for him to sing an Adele song. I think that would be entertaining. 


EDIT: Is it okay if I ask what changed on BZPower to bring this no-doubt long pondered decision to an ultimatum?

You can ask. The best answer I can give you is "some people left". I'm not going to name names on this, out of courtesy for the poor people. Basically I'm the last (or near last) of a particular group of people that existed here once and no longer does, and I reacted to the slow whittling away of that group by adapting to how things were, which eventually got to being unacceptable and self-destructive. 


I can also say that it involves changes in S&T, which is where I started on BZPower. Many of those changes are for the better, some are for the worse, but it all combines to make me no longer necessary there. Aside from Categorical Greg stuff - that's why I'm finishing it. That's why it's also okay for me to run XXIX and Tales and stuff. I just have better ways of doing what I did there, and am doing there, elsewhere. Further, the current environment actually runs counter to it, which is fine. As does most of the forum.


Again, there's nothing wrong with me, and there's nothing wrong with the forum. I'm doing what I'm supposed to, and the forum is doing what it is designed to do. We just don't fit anymore. 


As for the projects that are evaporating right now, not all of them are fully secret from the internet. Some of them are, but not all of them.


:( My friend....



But it is sad to know you're going, though it is nice to know that the CatGregFRef will finally be finished ;)

I have to say that you were one of the people I was thinking of when I penned that line.

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:/ that kinda stinks, but I can understand why you need to leave.


Just so you know, you where always one of my favorite members on this site. Good luck with your future endeavors!

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I might not fully understand your reason for leaving, but I do hope that you have a great time with whatever it is you're doing outside BZPower. Maybe, when you do leave, we can get SPIRIT to sing another Adele song on your departure.

Since I actually remember SPIRIT's voice acting talents, I would actually pay for him to sing an Adele song. I think that would be entertaining.


How much money are we talking here?
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I might not fully understand your reason for leaving, but I do hope that you have a great time with whatever it is you're doing outside BZPower. Maybe, when you do leave, we can get SPIRIT to sing another Adele song on your departure.

Since I actually remember SPIRIT's voice acting talents, I would actually pay for him to sing an Adele song. I think that would be entertaining.


How much money are we talking here?


$20 USD. 


Considering that I've paid $16 for full-length musical albums, and this is not an album but a single song. But then of course, I'm specially requesting it and then I'm taking up your time to record it, which has to be worth something. 

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I might not fully understand your reason for leaving, but I do hope that you have a great time with whatever it is you're doing outside BZPower. Maybe, when you do leave, we can get SPIRIT to sing another Adele song on your departure.

Since I actually remember SPIRIT's voice acting talents, I would actually pay for him to sing an Adele song. I think that would be entertaining.


How much money are we talking here?


$20 USD. 


Considering that I've paid $16 for full-length musical albums, and this is not an album but a single song. But then of course, I'm specially requesting it and then I'm taking up your time to record it, which has to be worth something.


So long and thanks for all the fish.

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I wasn’t really sure I’d be able to put together a decent farewell, but since the bar was just set impossibly high I figure there’s no harm in trying. :P


It has been a pleasure, and I hope you will prosper in your future challenges.  You will be missed, but I understand that you have bigger fish to fry, and…hm, what’s a good 64 pun?  And, uh, I know that bigger and better things are waiting sixty-FOR you!

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You will be missed. Be sure of that. Best of luck on your future endeavours.

But before you go, will you reveal what your profile pic actually is? I've always wondered about that.

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You will be missed. Be sure of that. Best of luck on your future endeavours.

But before you go, will you reveal what your profile pic actually is? I've always wondered about that.

It's a column of light. 

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You will be missed. Be sure of that. Best of luck on your future endeavours.

But before you go, will you reveal what your profile pic actually is? I've always wondered about that.

It's a column of light. 


That's it? Well, I thought it was something cooler, but at least the mystery has been solved. 


Anyway, good luck in your future endeavors.

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I totally understand where you're coming from. Heck I'm hardly ever here anymore. Probably, it seems, for pretty similar reasons.


Tis a shame all the same. Hope you enjoy things whatever you do though.

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:( My friend....

But it is sad to know you're going, though it is nice to know that the CatGregFRef will finally be finished ;)

I have to say that you were one of the people I was thinking of when I penned that line.

Heh. Of course, given the apparent difficulty of the operation, one wonders if you will really ever leave ;)

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:( My friend....

But it is sad to know you're going, though it is nice to know that the CatGregFRef will finally be finished ;)

I have to say that you were one of the people I was thinking of when I penned that line.


Heh. Of course, given the apparent difficulty of the operation, one wonders if you will really ever leave ;)


I'm taking her word on it.

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You will be missed. Be sure of that. Best of luck on your future endeavours.

But before you go, will you reveal what your profile pic actually is? I've always wondered about that.

It's a column of light. 


That's it? Well, I thought it was something cooler, but at least the mystery has been solved. 

That's what I thought too.

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