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hey guys hows it crackin. idk i heard a lot of drama was coming from this site but like, im not gonna touch that at all. it just reminded me that this place existed lol



so whats new with me is that well fairly recently i decided to pick up the good ol japanese language mostly because of 2 reasons: 1) i like linguistics and languages and all that jazz and B- my bf has mentioned multiple times that he wants to travel to japan with me and since itll be a good idea for at least ONE of us to have an at least basic grasp of the language i think that would be a goodidea

so yeh theres that i know so little but i do pick up on stuff from time to time so thatas cool


but enough bout that i just really wanted to check up on you homies, i know some of ya follow me on different social media outlets n all that but everyones nice and kind here when they reply here

also i just remembered sorry i didnt get a pic of my leather jacket OR my 犬 but whatev theres no nee to worry about that

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>mfw no leather jacket pic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No idea what this "drama" is, but learning another language should be interesting. I've tried it before but I could never get it down. Learning Japanese and going to Japan sounds like a fun thing to do. What would you say is the hardest part about learning Japanese and what are you most excited for about going to Japan?

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Hi Emkay! It always brightens my day when you pop back in to check in with us BZP nerds.


Learning Japanese seems like it'd be awesome and a useful skill to have, but unfortunately I haven't had much success learning other languages in the past. Oh well. At least there's always Google Translate!

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>mfw no leather jacket pic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


No idea what this "drama" is, but learning another language should be interesting. I've tried it before but I could never get it down. Learning Japanese and going to Japan sounds like a fun thing to do. What would you say is the hardest part about learning Japanese and what are you most excited for about going to Japan?



hardest part about learning japanese? probably the fact that, aside from plenty of english loan words, it's a pretty isolated language that doesn't take elements from too many other languages, unlike English which is pretty much a frankenstein beast of different languages lol. in this respect, the grammar, sentence structure, and many many words are completely different from what I'm used to seeing in latin-derived languages. buuut that's exactly one of the reasons why I decided to go for japanese. it's so foreign to me to make it a challenge but there's tons of japanese media readily available to the western world that i can get my hands on (thanks, anime!)


as for what I'm excited for for when I eventually do visit japan, probably the food. food is good. totally the food.



konnichiwa Emkay-senpai





I quit making comics again and then came back to it again, to no one's surprise. :v


lol! i dont think i could ever imagine getting back into comics again at this point. it's been waay too long for me and i'm prob rusty as heck haha



Hi Emkay! It always brightens my day when you pop back in to check in with us BZP nerds.


Learning Japanese seems like it'd be awesome and a useful skill to have, but unfortunately I haven't had much success learning other languages in the past. Oh well. At least there's always Google Translate!


I use google translate but rarely ever for actual translations lol. it's got a handy feature for when you're translating japanese into other languages, you can type the romaji and it'll automatically transcribe it into hiragana/katakana/kanji so that's super useful when you want to type out stuff. also using google translate for japanese can be pretty... weird. it's such a contextual language that usually cuts out words that are obvious to the listener so computerized translators, being as limited as they are, won't be able to pick up on the more subtle areas of a language. there's also the fact that the minimum requirements you need to have a complete grammatically correct sentence in japanese is a single verb so yeah there's that lol

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I took Japanese for a year in undergrad and then one semester in graduate school. I really want to take it again in my fourth year when I'm done with the coursework part of this program.


Also I think kirei is a -na adjective, but you might wanna get GSR on that case. :P

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I took Japanese for a year in undergrad and then one semester in graduate school. I really want to take it again in my fourth year when I'm done with the coursework part of this program.


Also I think kirei is a -na adjective, but you might wanna get GSR on that case. :P


makes sense that i would miss something like that seeing as how i havent really touched adjectives yet lol

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makes sense that i would miss something like that seeing as how i havent really touched adjectives yet lol



Spoiler alert, you are in for a treat with them.

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