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What's the worst thing to forget?



Here's a question:


What's the worst thing to forget?


For me, it's whatever you entered the room for.




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This past year I've spent a lot of time in mourning. In the mornings I would wake up from a dream with her in it and my heart would stop as I remembered she was gone. Every walk I took down the street reminded me that I was going it alone. The cleaning equipment sitting abandoned in the corner stared at me and told me that there was no one left to pick up after. Even in the face of this grief, it would pain me the most to forget my companion of nearly sixteen years.

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My grandmother broke her wrist a little while ago and when she went to the hospital they gave her some pain medication, which affects her in unintentionally hilarious ways.
When a nurse came in a little while after that with a form, she asked her what her name was in order to confirm that she had the right records, and my grandmother literally forgot her name for a second because of the medication.
She remembered it a few seconds later, but the look of horror that dawned on her face is something I'm not likely to ever forget.

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Forgetting my own name and things about myself, like eye color. I also hate it when I forget about another person's beliefs and views and i say something that I immediately remember and regret thereafter. Yeah, the walking into a room memory impairment is something I hate as well.

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