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Hey. For all like 3 people who actually follow my blog, I figured I'd give some kind of update. I've grown a lot since my early days of BZPower, and nowadays I look in retrospect remembering this site fondly; It was my first real internet venture serving as my youthful discharge of web-noobiness that I think all internet savvy youth go through. I owe this site at least that. I'm now entering my senior year of high school. I think I made this account in 7th grade? Really takes it into perspective. I still lurk often, as honestly I still want to be interested in Bionicle. I still remember the deep lore, names, facts, etc. and it's really a cornerstone of my youth. I haven't built anything in years. That grey hunch dude is still sitting on my now defunct Bionicle cabinet, looming over my desk which is right over two tubs of Bionicle parts. I don't want to put them in storage or anything. They take up tons of room but I'm just too fond. As much as I'd love to stay an active fan, as a 17 year old with no income, it's pretty difficult staying in the know.


Other hobbies have shadowed over my Bionicles. Starting around 3 years ago I got into retro video gaming. It sounds stupid, I know, but I've just become super fascinated in older video games and have taken a big liking to them. I have become extremely knowledgeable in video game history and have a sizeable collection of games I like. I have almost every console I want except a Famicom. I even own a few very valuable sought after games, bought for cheap. I've become very into Audio/Video technologies too, becoming interested in old tube televisions, display signals, and all that stuff. I would love to get into electrical engineering and modding, but need better equipment. I enjoy cleaning and refurbishing older systems. Here's a picture of my set up/collection from a month or two ago. Note the Bionicle bins left to the wayside. Don't worry, I'm not a "COD SUCKS" kinda of guy (But come on, it really does at this point), I still very much appreciate modern games. I own a PS4, 3DS, and Wii U.


I also learned how to play the guitar. Woah. Never thought I'd be able to say that. I took a beginners guitar class last year and was way ahead of my (really simple) class. It's been a year since then and I'm really proud of how fast I've been able to pick it up. I've recently been diving into fingerpicking, which is pretty cool. I've just been into music a whole lot more too. I'm a giant Rush fan, with other bands of interest being Alice in Chains, The Fratellis, Oasis, Queens of the Stone Age, and Yes just to name a few. I also got super into an obscure indie band called Miracle Legion, which has some beautiful music.


I'm also taking an elective in Advertising and Design in school. I'm one of the best students in my class, as I'm very fluent in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Indesign. Really happy I can make the things I do, and am considering it as a possible career path. I also got my first over 100 average this year which is neat.


Not really a development, but my social life's been kicking off since freshman year. I have multiple friend groups, all with similar interests as me and I'm really happy with the sheer amount of people I've been able to come by and befriend, not to mention my current girlfriend of 1 year.


Overall a lot has changed since my days of frequenting internet forums and the like. Nowadays I stick to Youtube and social media for daily activity. I just figured I'd offer a small update. This isn't some leaving post or anything - I don't think saying you're leaving or even doing so makes much sense for people like me, how much time can lurking really take? Either way I didn't wanna leave BZP hanging, so for those of you who care- there's the story so far.

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>Daiker returns

>is senior in high school

>remembers when Daiker was a nub

>feel old

Our little baby is growing up

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