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bionice g3 precidtions

Laughing Man


  • there will be only two sets the first year, Malibu Tahu and Game Dev Tahu
  • Pohatu and Kopaka will finally get married and adopt Takua
  • Onua will be a horse just because. it's popular these days
  • Makuta's real name will be revealed and it's Geoff, with a G, not a J, get it right
  • crossover with Lego Friends
  • new animations but due to budget constraints all narration and voices will be replaced by stock sound effects of dolphins
  • will be promoted with an original song composed and performed by Death Grips
  • the villain will be a tennis ball that some kid threw through your window and it hit your shelf and knocked over all your sets...thanks Jeremy
  • Geg Fartshey will write the story, but halfway in he'll retcon romance and make Pohatu and Kopaka roommates and Takua their dog
  • will be a record-breaking smash hit in sales and wildly popular with fans, but will be cancelled after the first year because Lego craves child tears

  • Upvote 2


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Not even joking, I would buy every single set of this line.


all two of them!


Fine, I'd buy all two of them and MOC the rest.

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you forgot the part where they start a guerilla marketing campaign for the line with the help of none other than banksy

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And then five years after Generation 3 is canceled, Lego launches Generation 4. There's no actual sets, just paper dolls that each come with an !!EXCLUSIVELIMITEDPLATINUMEDITIONMASK!! (also paper), and the entirety of the story line AND the marketing is a rage comic made in MSPaint.


Needless to say, G4 flops so badly that it not only is canceled a mere 11 days after it launches, but creates a gaping hole in reality - resulting in a time paradox that results in the complete erasure of all four incarnations of Bionicle from existence, as well as its conceptual predecessor Boneheads of Voodoo Island. In the current timeline, Lego is now known as a former building brick company that filed for bankruptcy in 1998, after losing 300 gazillion krone on its failed toy line Cybots.

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And then five years after Generation 3 is canceled, Lego launches Generation 4. There's no actual sets, just paper dolls that each come with an !!EXCLUSIVELIMITEDPLATINUMEDITIONMASK!! (also paper), and the entirety of the story line AND the marketing is a rage comic made in MSPaint.


Needless to say, G4 flops so badly that it not only is canceled a mere 11 days after it launches, but creates a gaping hole in reality - resulting in a time paradox that results in the complete erasure of all four incarnations of Bionicle from existence, as well as its conceptual predecessor Boneheads of Voodoo Island. In the current timeline, Lego is now known as a former building brick company that filed for bankruptcy in 1998, after losing 300 gazillion krone on its failed toy line Cybots.

And Mega Bloks shall inherit the earth.



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