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^ How about not in this case?


Playing Russian Roulette might seem like a wise idea at the time, but when you lose, then you realize just how badly you've messed up.

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I hate to break it to you but even if Hillary had won those alleged Harambe (peace be upon him) 14,000 votes did go to Hilary she still would've lost PA.


Trump had an over 100,000 vote lead over Hilary dude, at least according to google


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I hate to break it to you but even if Hillary had won those alleged Harambe (peace be upon him) 14,000 votes did go to Hilary she still would've lost PA.


Trump had an over 100,000 vote lead over Hilary dude, at least according to google

Hillary won the popular vote

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I hate to break it to you but even if Hillary had won those alleged Harambe (peace be upon him) 14,000 votes did go to Hilary she still would've lost PA.


Trump had an over 100,000 vote lead over Hilary dude, at least according to google

Hillary won the popular vote

Popular vote doesn't win the election. Our government system isn't a democracy.

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and this blog entry is not a debate


jeez, can't a guy be passive aggressive in his own blog anymore

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Much as I understand that this is a painful time for many, including myself - and much as my own political views would rather be filling this comment with four-letter words - we do have a longstanding ban on political discussion.  Unless Black Six or another admin decides to lift this (temporarily or permanently), I'm afraid I have to leave this reminder.  (I was going to lock this, but I see Xae beat me to it.)

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