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Graphic Design Help

Black Six


I'm looking for some help from one of you creative types out there. I would like some overlay images we can use during BZPower's streams, both for builds and games, to help share info for people who tune in part-way through and give them more of a BZPower-feel.


For a visual style, I'm thinking something like the overlays we use for our YouTube thumbnails, with the angled line and the gears, but obviously smaller so it takes up less space. Maybe one in the bottom left and one in the top right. One would have generic BZPower info, the site name, URL, and social media names and icons. The other would be mostly empty to be customized for each stream. For sets it would have the set name, piece count, and price. For games it would have the game name. An overlay with directions for the giveaways we do might be a good idea too.


Resolution should be 1920x1080 minimum and the file format should be something I can easily edit in GIMP to add the required text, so XCF or PSD probably.


I am ready to be wowed. :)


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Have you tried the overlay? How is it?

We'll be testing it out tomorrow. Tune into the stream and hopefully you'll be able to check it out for yourself!
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Have you tried the overlay? How is it?

We'll be testing it out tomorrow. Tune into the stream and hopefully you'll be able to check it out for yourself!


Ah, I'll be having an SGA interview and work later.

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Ah, I'll be having an SGA interview and work later.

Too bad, we had a good time in the stream. Things I learned after using the overlay:

-Having it on the bottom isn't good because it gets covered when the player controls pop up, the overlays should be in the top left and right corners.

-They need to be a little bigger so the text can be bigger and easier to read.

Overall though they were a nice addition!

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Ah, I'll be having an SGA interview and work later.

Too bad, we had a good time in the stream. Things I learned after using the overlay:

-Having it on the bottom isn't good because it gets covered when the player controls pop up, the overlays should be in the top left and right corners.

-They need to be a little bigger so the text can be bigger and easier to read.

Overall though they were a nice addition!


I'll make edits to them tonight then. Be back with you in a few.

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