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SparkyDino: Toa of Swordsmanship


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There we go. Congratulations to all the others!


I got this...


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The Sony Ericsson K750i


It's really cool, but I can't use it until it's charged for 8 hours (or something like that) the first time. I'm in school anyway, so it kinda works out...


Now, the problem with my birthday. On Thursday, we have CCF. Combined Cadet Force. I'll explain that sometime later. But today, because I'm part of the Navy, we're going sailing, and we don't get back until 8:00. I have a further half an hour's drive home, and I had to leave home, like, straight away in the morning. So on my birthday, I only get 1:30 hours of time at home. How unfair is that?


But It's still my birthday. Woohoo! I'm 14! (Just 3 years 'till I can drive - scary :unsure: )


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