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Guess the Set



  1. Jetrax with wheels
  2. Big Flying Brick
  3. Afraid of Scorpions
  4. Is a Scorpion
  5. Half a Kikanalo
  6. Wheel Feet
  7. Severely Hunched Back, and once a meme
  8. The Mask Isn't Even A Mask
  9. Stinger Tail
  10. Bigger Flying Brick
  11. It's that guy again but with a vehicle and the other two aren't here still
  12. Small Spider
  13. Red Spider
  14. Big Spider
  15. Biggest Spider
  16. AAAswddaasaaa SPIDERS SCROPONS


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2 - Rockoh?

3 - Pohatu Uniter?

4 - Nui Jaga, the original scorpion.

5 - Is the other half also a Kikanalo?

7 - Someone from Onu-Koro? No, wait, Fire Slizer / Throwbot Torch

8 - Any of those 2016 summer baddies?

10 - Axalara?

11 - Jetrax, featuring Antroz and not Chirox or Vamprah.

12 - Fikou?

14 - Kagarak?

16 - Ketar?

17 - Taipu.



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2. Correct.

3. Right Character, Wrong Edition, incorrect

4. Much more recent but not that recent, incorrect

5. Other half might be described as a dinosaur

7. Pre-bionicle Constraction sets weren't memes, incorrect, hint: late G1

8. G1, not G2 - incorrect

10. Correct

11. Hint: not actually bionicle, incorrect

12. Correct

14. Incorrect

16. this isn't actually a set

17. this doesn't even exist

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3. Pohatu Master of Stone

4. Skull Scorpio

5. Kardas Dragon

7. Good Guy

8. Karzahni

11. Scout Trooper & Speeder Bike

15. Lord of Skull Spiders

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17. this doesn't even exist

Well... your face doesn't even exist! If it did, it would know that Taipu is the answer to everything!





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3. Correct

4. Correct

5. Spirit - Incorrect, Zarkan - Correct

7. Spirit - Correct, Zarkan - Incorrect

8. Spirit - incorrect, Zarkan - Correct

11. Spirit - Incorrect, Zarkan - Correct

15 - Already answered

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