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Reassure Me

Tufi Piyufi


Tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way.


Remind me I'm not the only one more miffed by the person flaming the spammer than the spammer themselves.


Show me that people still see the value in using the report button.


Let me know that someone out there sees that it's more use to the novice creative mind to kindly help them improve than to tear them down for thinking they're better than they really are.


Reassure me of these things.


I know you guys are out there. I know you're still out there. Sometimes, though, you get these feelings of doubt when you're looking at the opposite all the time. Just gimme a little poke and reminder, eh?


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Well, I personally never tell people when I report them, since it's sorta pointless as it'll be dealt with anyways. That, and I'd rather not have them get mad at me.


So there's at least one person who reports without doing anything else.




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I'm equally annoyed by both of them. That is to say, I despise the person that would post a completely random message in a serious discussion forum just as much as I despise the person that would 'yell' at a complete stranger that might be a decent person, despite that fact that they spam.

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Yeah, I'm there too. Maybe I should write something about reporting in my blog...


Yeah, that'll never fly.

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I always just use the report button, unless they're new members, then I PM them and tell them what they did was wrong.


Like Mak's banner says: spamthis.png

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Remind me I'm not the only one more miffed by the person flaming the spammer than the spammer themselves.


:o I hate that -so much- that I just want to stab things! You wanna run right up to the person and smack their face off.

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*uses report button*


Oops... that wasn't spam...


My sister thinks using the report button is evil... strange sister...



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Dang you LL, that was what I was gonna say...


Yeh. I know I don't have school or anything, but... *raises hand* I do.

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Well for new member I try to explain via pm give them links to the rules & regulations. And of course report spam posts. And leave spammy topics so as not to get caught in the spamfest.


Wait... Was I just being a bit spammy myself. Oh well it seems to be running amuck in the forums here lately. So Tufi you have officially been poked :unsure: twice... <_<

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