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Calling All Premier Members: Set Vote!



Are you a Premier member? Do you want to let the BIONICLE team know what sets you like best (or, alternately, dislike the most)? Now's your chance!


Go to the Sets Database and vote for as many sets as you like. In a week or so I'll get the full list and present the results to the BIONICLE development team.


Voting is limited to Premier members and staff (and OBZPM), and you can only vote on a set once.


I'd like to be able to present a fan's-eye-view of the entire BIONICLE line. This is a good time for the designers to know what you like and don't like.




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10 stars on all brown sets! :lol:


I'll get around to voting for some sets....




Edit: what's hard is figuring out just how to rate sets, (especially since I can't tell why I particularly like a set or not.)


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Nice, though it's a good thing LEGO's not too keen on respecting BZP opinion over focus group opinions. Methinks there will be a bias against newer sets and for older ones. I personally will do my best to fix that where it is needed (I won't go on about that lest I begin a rant).


Nice work, though, Binky. Let's hope this leads LEGO to good decisions in the future.

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I`ll give Vezon a 9/10 rating because he really was the kind of character that stood out from what has been done before him, what I really liked was his cape, you don`t see that every day in bionicle. I didn`t like the Vahki though, they reminded me of the clones from star wars to much, plus they weren`t as fun as I thought they would be.





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I'm sure you realise this, but just as a reminder, don't pay attention to the ratings on the '08 sets, cause everyones just so excited about them they give them ridiculously high ratings. Not that I don't like them, I do, but the ratings aren't accurate yet...


...I guess...

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I'm sure you realise this, but just as a reminder, don't pay attention to the ratings on the '08 sets, cause everyones just so excited about them they give them ridiculously high ratings. Not that I don't like them, I do, but the ratings aren't accurate yet...




...I guess...



Exactly... although the new sets are nice and are voted towards the top, the number is statistically insignificant, so I didn't count them in.

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