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Those Bumps In The Sidewalk



I rode my bike to the library today. And man I tell ya if I ever get my hands on the contractor who did those sidewalks... I mean, it's not the main sidewalk itself, that was rather smooth. But when it comes to the ramps at the end of the sidewalk that leads onto the road...


Okay, so the sidewalk and road area is like grass | sidewalk | grass | border| road. And the border, it's the little thin concrete wall that keeps the grass out of the road, right? And when it gets to the end of the sidewalk the border curves around the corner and dips down to the ground so that it's level with the bottom of the ramp. Or it should.


I tell ya, at the ramp that border was, like, TWO INCHES higher than the road, and THREE INCHES higher than the place where it met the sidewalk ramp. And it's hot out so I'm trying to get to the library or home really fast, so I'm pedalling pretty fast, and I hit that danged border thing and it feels like my bike's just bounced a foot in the air, rattles every bone in my body, ERGH.


Seriously, doesn't that pretty much defeat the purpose of the sidewalk ramp, which is to allow people in wheelchairs, on bikes, on scooters, etc. to make a smooth transition down to the street and back up onto the sidewalk again? I have to brace myself every time I near the end of the sidewalk. Major thing is I can't be sitting on the bike, I gotta stand on the pedals when I go over the bump, since I am male and would prefer to remain that way.


Well, despite everything, you go over the bump, but if you can see it coming it's not so bad, and after ten seconds your brains stop churning and your bike chain stops clanking and you just gotta speed back up and you're back on track.


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But a better question is why was a cat riding a bike in the first place?


:P Dr. B :P

Because they don't let him into the house if his paws are dirty, duh. :rolleyes:


You think that's bad contracting? The buildings at the local playground, including the restrooms, all have floors levelled in such a way that it's nearly impossible to clean them. When cleaning the floors, the water invariably runs to the corner furthest from the door. >.<

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I don't remember any instances where I had to stand on my bike... Maybe because I can take the pain. :P Or maybe because the ramps on all of my local sidewalks aren't too high. Maybe one inch.

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